GUIs - A Modest Proposal

Alf P. Steinbach alfps at
Sun Jun 6 11:51:44 EDT 2010

* python at, on 06.06.2010 17:17:
> Why not a GUI based on HTML, CSS and Javascript?
> To paraphrase another poster and to borrow from SQLite:
> Pick any *THREE*:
> - Simple
> - Beautiful
> - Cross-platform

I'm not sure what this discussion is about, but anyway, modern GUI frameworks 
/are/ based on XML, CSS and some code behind, which may be JavaScript or other 

In particular Mozilla's XUL is based on XML, CSS and JavaScript, and Microsoft's 
whatever-its-name is based on XML, CSS and, as I understand it, your choice of 
programming language for the code behind.

I have done some XUL programming (a few Thunderbird extensions) but I haven't 
tried the Microsoft stuff since even their XML text editor, when I first looked 
at it, required minimum 512 MiB of RAM, and that was years ago; presumably the 
modern version of that MS XML text editor now requires 16 GiB or more RAM...


- Alf

blog at <url:>

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