Missing DLL in win98
Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmichel at sequans.com
Mon Jun 7 08:15:41 EDT 2010
Spyder42 wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 14:03:48 -0400, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu>
> wrote:
>> On 6/4/2010 9:08 AM, Spyder42 wrote:
>>> On Fri, 04 Jun 2010 14:50:28 +0200, Christian Heimes
>>>> Python 2.6 is not supported on Windows 98 and earlier. You need at least
>>>> Windows 2000 with a recent service pack.
>>>> Christian
>>> So your response is either, you don't know if there is a fix, or 'No
>>> way in h377.' You couldn't figure out by my post that I already knew
>>> that?
>> Get off your high horse. Dumping on volunteer helpers is a good way to
>> drive them away.
>> It was not obvious, without closely reading your original post, and even
>> then it is not clear, that you *knew* than 2.6 was not supported on
>> Win98. You could have asked 'I know 2.6+ is not officially supported in
>> win98. Does anyone know a workaround other than upgrading windows or
>> sticking with 2.5?". *That* would have been clear.
>> Terry Jan Reedy
> I'm sorry, but if I asked where the nearest gas station was, I
> wouldn't expect someone to answer, "You can't get there because your
> out of gas."
> I had a specific question and I got a non-specific non-answer.
> If they didn't know, they should not have answered.
>> It was not obvious, without closely reading your original post...
> So it WAS obvious to anyone who was PAYING ATTENTION?
I think Terry just wanted to be kind to you by not saying you're
completely wrong. Thing is, it was not obvious, enven for those who paid
> Life is not a dress rehersal. If you don't get it right, things like
> the BP's oil spill, Chernobyl, and 3 mile island happen. Perhaps I'm
> being extreme, but computer programs underly our entire civilization
> today. Computers dump stock, and Billions are lost, needlessly
> affecting everyones life. Trains crash, boats sink, and psychos like
> me go off the deep end, because no-one is paying attention.
> L8r
> Spyder
Funny :) You almost got a Godwin point !
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