GUIs - A Modest Proposal
Steven D'Aprano
steve at
Mon Jun 7 09:50:08 EDT 2010
On Mon, 07 Jun 2010 03:08:19 -0700, ant wrote:
> First off, I'm not volunteering to lead this effort. I don't think
> anyone should
> even think about that until and unless the Python Powers That Be
> actually
> decide that it is worth doing. That is what I meant by 'strong
> leadership'.
You have the process backwards there. The Python-Dev team isn't going to
push one GUI toolkit as the One True Toolkit unless the wider community
standardises on it first.
Consider the plight of the Python developers. They're an all-volunteer
effort, and although a handful of them are partially funded by the PSF or
other companies like Google, they're still chronically undermanned and
overworked. Just go and look at the bug tracker and see how many bugs
languish for want of somebody to work on them. The last thing they're
going to do is take on a project of the magnitude of creating a new GUI
toolkit. A full-featured toolkit is a project at least as big as the rest
of Python plus the standard library, and probably bigger. You're asking
them to double their work load to suit your aesthetic judgement that none
of the existing toolkits are good enough.
> Third: "I'm curious why you think fragmented GUI choices is a particular
> problem for Python compared to other languages? Or why this is the main
> issue holding Python back? "
> It's not a particular problem for Python compared to other languages.
> It's a general problem for all programming languages.
I don't see why you think so. Well, Apple believes so, and twenty years
ago I agreed with them, but having looked at how Macintosh and it's
consistent look-and-feel has repeatedly failed to set the world alight
against Windows and its multitude of inconsistent GUIs, I'm no longer
convinced by Steve Jobs' argument.
It's 2010 and despite all of Apple's marketing, design excellence and
consumer mindshare, their share of the PC market is still about the same
as it was in the mid-80s and well under their peak of 12% in 1993.
(Depending on who is doing the reporting and how they calculate the
numbers, Apple Macintosh has anything from 3% to 8% market share, not
that much better than Linux at 1-2%. And the Linux figure is for sales,
not installations).
It seems to me that a consistent, best-of-breed look-and-feel is good for
creating a brand, but flexibility and choice is good for capturing a
Consistency carries it's own dangers, and what you call "fragmentation"
simply means that GUI toolkits exist in a free market of ideas rather
than a centrally-planned monopoly. For idiots^W those who like Gnome,
there is PyGTK; for those who prefer their window manager to be
perpetually in pre-beta, there is PyKDE; if you like QT, there is PyQt;
if you have no aesthetic sense at all, there is tkinter; if you have a
hankering for the Good Old Days programming in Hypercard on a Mac SE,
there is Pythoncard; if you've drunk the corporate Koolaid, there are
Jython and IronPython with their own GUI widgets; if you want the choice
of developing for the desktop or the web, you might choose Pyjamas; and
so on.
There is, hopefully, a GUI toolkit for everyone, and no best-of-breed
because people will never agree on what best-of-breed would mean. You
call this fragmentation -- I call it freedom of choice.
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