Tkinter help - Why this behavior ? (py3)
dodo_do_not_wake_up at yahoo.Fr
Wed Jun 9 13:13:03 EDT 2010
Le 09/06/2010 18:49, rantingrick a écrit :
> On Jun 5, 8:46 am, Dodo<dodo_do_not_wake... at yahoo.Fr> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> let's consider this exemple :
>> from tkinter import *
>> from tkinter.ttk import *
>> class First:
>> def __init__(self):
>> self.root = Tk()
>> B = Button(self.root, command=self.op)
>> B.pack()
>> self.root.mainloop()
>> def op(self):
>> Second(self)
>> print("print")
>> class Second:
>> def __init__(self, parent):
>> root = Toplevel(parent.root)
>> root.grab_set()
>> root.mainloop()
> Please don't write code like this, it is very, very, very, very ugly.
> Python is an OOP language do use that to your advantage and you will
> make your life much easier! Here is a better alternative.
> import Tkinter as tk
> from Tkconstants import *
> import tkSimpleDialog
> class MyDialog(tkSimpleDialog.Dialog):
> def body(self, master):
> prompt = "Hello from my custom dialog!\nAlthough with
> something this simple i should have used tkMessageBox."
> tk.Label(self, text=prompt).pack()
> def validate(self):
> print 'I need to put some code here, maybe'
> return True
> def apply(self):
> print 'I need to put some code here, maybe'
> class App(tk.Tk):
> def __init__(self):
> tk.Tk.__init__(self)
> b=tk.Button(self, text='Show Dialog', command=self.showDialog)
> b.pack(padx=5, pady=5)
> def showDialog(self):
> d = MyDialog(self)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
> app = App()
> app.mainloop()
Could you please explain to me what's the big difference?
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