GUIs - A Modest Proposal
geremy condra
debatem1 at
Fri Jun 11 16:42:14 EDT 2010
On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 1:20 PM, rantingrick <rantingrick at> wrote:
> On Jun 11, 12:44 pm, Mark Lawrence <breamore... at> wrote:
>> <original>
>> To quote R. David Murray on the Python bug tracker earlier today.
>> "Everyone who uses IDLE uses TKInter
> Thats a grossly general statement although it *is* a fact. Heres
> Another: "Everyone who uses Tkinter uses Python"... and the point
> is????
>> and a lot of people use IDLE."
> "A lot"? How many is "a lot" David. If you're going to present the
> group with such general ways of measuring value then at least give us
> a mapping so we can translate it into something tangible. Can you
> express "a lot" in the form of an integer? And where is the proof that
> supports this value "A Lot".
> Hmm, I know *I* use IDLE so thats *one* person. However blabbing hear-
> say like some old lady at a hair salon is a non starter because it has
> no fact-based-foundation in reality, and so renders the argument
> completely inadmissible and quite frankly makes you look incompetent.
> Sadly however (in this group it seems) hearsay and hyperbole run a-
> muck on a daily basis.
> Release the ModuleRemovalWarning and you WILL then get back reliable
> information as to who *IS* and *IS NOT* wishing Tkinter to stay. But
> you won't do this because your afraid of being proven wrong. I would
> happily love to be proven wrong, WITH FACTS AND NOT HEARSAY THAT IS!.
> If the numbers are for keeping Tkinter then I will jump full-force
> into Tkinter/IDLE development. I already have many patches and
> improvements for both Tkinter and IDLE working nicely on my machine.
> Run the warning. Then and *only* then can we move forward with facts.
> Or you could just keep living in your self-aggrandizing fantasy world
> of "I'm always right and everyone else is the moron".
I'm currently doing an analysis of pypi data to see what modules are being
used and how much. If you're so interested in knowing how widely used
tkinter is, please contact me- we could certainly use some additional
processor time.
Geremy Condra
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