Deformed Form
Victor Subervi
victorsubervi at
Sat Jun 12 09:19:51 EDT 2010
Stephen Hansen suggests I move the line:
new_passengers_curr_customers =
int(form.getfirst('new_passengers_curr_customers', 0))
from "Script 3" (as he dubs it) to "Script 2". Naturally (though he wouldn't
have known) that's how I had it at first. After sending the post that
finally cleared up the confusion, I realized I should have addressed that
question therein (my bad). So here is the tail end of "Script 2" with said
new_passengers_curr_customers =
int(form.getfirst('new_passengers_curr_customers', 0))
print new_passengers_curr_customers
new_passengers_curr_customers = New_Passengers_Curr_Customers(customers,
if new_passengers_curr_customers > 0:
print "<input type='submit' value=' Send ' />"
print '</body>\n</html>'
You will note those very first lines. This also addresses two other
responders who believed perhaps I had called the variable from the form in
question more than once and that it had been "used up/consummed" in the
first call. Here, the first call is the first line in "Script 2" and it
prints the value "0", when the value gathered in the very next line from the
call to "Script 3" is "2", not "0".
With respect to Stephens playful jibe about my "absurdly long [variable]
names", they're long because they're descriptive, and other posters not so
playfully jibed me about my absurdly short nondescriptive names. Hey, could
you guys coordinate your jibes so you're all on the same page? ;/
DaveA suggested I not use the same name for my fn. as I do for my var;
however, there is a difference in capitalization, and I'm trying to
standardize this way. It makes it easy to recognize the difference (caps)
and easy to recognize which vars go with which fns.
DaveA also says:
> I'd suggest you do all your form interaction from a single script, and
pass any needed data explicitly to functions in the other modules, rather
than having them try to look it up themselves.
Well, yeah, that's what started this post! I'm trying to keep them all in
"Script 2".
Stephen also says:
> Yeah, those exact terminology issues tripped me up very hard in
> understanding what was going on.
Yeah, it's hard for me to keep all the terminology straight, frankly. Easy
for you guys, apparently. Sorry.
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