nanothermite911fbibustards at
Tue Jun 15 18:29:20 EDT 2010
On Jun 15, 3:17 pm, nanothermite911fbibustards
<nanothermite911fbibusta... at> wrote:
> This is all due to DISINFORMATION - FBI bustards are the cause of it.
> The prime suspect of ANTHRAX is beyond doubt a white or jew (american
> or israeli) and one name is Zack who worked at AIMES Iowa. The 911 is
> also a jew job or white job. If this bustard were knowledgeable, he
> would be hunting for 911 doers in Washington, Langley Virginia, Kroll
> or Blackwater.
> Here is what Webster Tarpley reveals recently:
> part 3 link but all parts are a GOLD MINE :
> June 15, 2010
> The American arrested in Pakistan who was on a solo mission to hunt
> down Osama bin Laden told police he was intent on avenging the victims
> of the 9/11 terror attacks.
> Gary Brooks Faulkner - Bin Laden hunter
> This undated photo provided Tuesday, June 15, 2010 by the Larimer
> County, Colo. Sheriff's
> Office... Expand
> Authorities said Gary Brooks Faulkner, a construction worker who lived
> in Greeley, Colo., was arrested attempting to cross into Afghanistan
> in the mountainous region of northern Pakistan. He was armed with a
> pistol, sword, night vision goggles, a map and was reportedly carrying
> Christian literature.
> Police arrested Faulkner, 51, in a hotel near the Afghanistan border.
> Police said that when he was arrested, Faulkner claimed he was going
> to take revenge for al Qaeda's terror attacks on the Pentagon and the
> World Trade Center.
> Faulkner's brother-in-law JohnMartin told ABC News that Faulkner
> talked openly with the family about his plans to hunt down the al
> Qaeda leader.
> "He's a very deeply religious individual, very patriotic," Martin
> said. "It seemed to be his thing. He thought it should be done and he
> thought he could accomplish it."
Fashinating, .... "very deeply religious" .... But the ODIOUSLY
Fashinating, .... "very deeply religious" .... But the ODIOUSLY
Any idea how to write this idea in a little lispish or pythonic
function and operand style ???
> Osama bin Laden has evaded one of the largest international manhunts
> in history and remains on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted list.
> Martin said Faulkner was not trained in anyway for a seek and destroy
> mission and had no military training, though he had been to the region
> before. Faulkner's brother Scott said he was trained in martial arts
> and a sword and dagger were his "weapons of choice."
> Faulkner also has an arrest record and spent time in Colorado prisons,
> according to public records.
> Family: Faulkner is Not Crazy, Maybe Non-Traditional
> "We initially laughed when he told us he wanted to kill Osama bin
> Laden," said one official, Mumtaz Ahmad Khan, according to The
> Associated Press.
> Osama Bin Laden why can't we find the Pakistani Taliban leader?
> Exiled al Qaida leader Osama bin Laden is seen in this April 1998
> picture in Afghanistan.
> (/AP Photo)
> While going on such a mission in hostile territory alone and with no
> training to find the most wanted man on the planet may have seemed
> ridiculous to many, Faulkner's sister, brother said he had made
> several trips to the area to reconoiter bin Laden's possible location
> -- and believed he had found the cave where the al Qaeda leader was
> hiding.
> Scott Faulkner said his brother had "stood at its entrance, possibly
> within 100 feet" of where he believe his target was living.
> Even if his brother's mission failed and even if he died trying, Scott
> Faulkner said his brother would "love" the media attention.
> "It's waking America back up... The fact that it's bringing it back in
> the forefront of the American psyche, now there's hopefully going to
> be a renewed effort to get this guy," Scott Faulkner said.
> While he was likely aware of the hefty $25 million reward for
> information leading to Bin Laden's arrest, Martin said the cause was
> more important.
> =====
> The FAT per DIEM FBI bustards use our TAX PAYER MONEY and INCOMPETENCE
> =====
> Hey Racist and INcompetent FBI Bustards, where is the ANTHRAX Mailer ?
> Where are the 4 blackboxes ? Where are the Pentagon Videos ? Why did
> you release the 5 dancing Israelis compromising the whole 911
> investigation ? If the Dubai Police can catch Mossad Murderers and put
> the videos and Iranian Police can why cant you put the Pentagon
> Videos ? If Iran police can put the AMERICAN TERRORIST, Riggi and
> puting on INTERNATIONAL MEDIA a day after catching him without
> TORTURE, why cant you put the INNOCENT patsies on the MEDIA. Why did
> you have to LIE about Dr Afiya Siddiqui and torture that Innocent
> little mother of 3 and smashing the skull of her one child ?
> There are CRIMINAL cases against CIA CRIMINAL Bustards in Italian
> courts.
> FBI bustards paid a penalty of $5.8 million to Steven Hatfill, but
> only because he was a white. They got away with MURDER of thousands of
> Non-whites in all parts of the world.
> Daily 911 news :
> Conclusion : FBI bustards are RACIST and INcompetent. They could
> neither catch the ANTHRAX or 911 YANK/Jew criminals nor could they
> cover them up - whichever was their actual goal or task.
> SLASH the SALARIES of FBI/CIA/NSA etc BUSTARDS into half all across
> tbe board, esp the whites/jew on the top.
> FBI Bustards failed to Catch BERNARD MADOFF even after that RACIST and
> FBI bustards failed to prevent ROMAN POLANSKY from absconding to
> europe and rapes.
> FBI bustards failed to prevent OKLAHOMA
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