nanothermite911fbibustards at
Wed Jun 16 03:32:17 EDT 2010
Pity this patsy of the FBI Bustards - why FBI bustards ? coz they tout
to be honest defenders of the CONSTITUTION !!! I dont blame the jews -
because most of them are beyond the realm of cure.!
On Jun 15, 9:40 pm, nanothermite911fbibustards
<nanothermite911fbibusta... at> wrote:
> On Jun 15, 5:20 pm, f... at (Edward A. Falk) wrote:
> > In article <25a8c044-c361-4851-bbb4-58c195733... at>,
> > nanothermite911fbibustards <nanothermite911fbibusta... at> wrote:
> > >This is all due to DISINFORMATION - FBI bustards are the cause of it.
> > Dude, seriously. Get your dosage adjusted. And find a different
> > newsgroup.
> > --
> > -Ed Falk, f... at
> >
> Jew Falk, you kontrol the media, the academia, and much of the
> internet, and you wont leave me this little newsgroup space to give
> short history entertainment and a break those who are so deprived of
> it ??? please everyone watch these during breaks, its good for
> creativity.
> watch this
> Israel's deadly attack on USS Liberty emerges from the past
> The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews
> The crusaders were jews. After the spanish inquisition they became
> overtly christian but crypto jews. Only they did, not the moslims.
> Then they took the leadership by promoting profligate and impious
> whites. They were the knight templars. In jerusalem they murdered
> christians and moslems.
> The Armenian genocide was done by jews. The crypto jews of the turkish
> caliphate (read up on Shabtai Zvi) took control. Mustafa Kemal the
> drunkard was a crypto jew. Turkish empire controlled jerusalem and it
> was of importance to them.
> In Britian, another crypto jew benjamin disraeli rose to become a PM
> of the country. Rothshilds and he financed the profligate white, the
> murderous and racist, CECIL RHODES who started APARTHEID most likely
> at the tutoring of Rothschild.
> From Amsterdam, the jews lured the dutch to loot and colonize
> indonesia.
> Then they made these same countries fight each other with chemical
> weapons, inventing it for them during WW1 and then atom bomb during
> WW2. They had decided to kill their own religious and pious ones by
> financing hitler. they channelized hitler's hatred to the jews because
> his grand mother was raped by a roman polansky bankster.
> Always, they have lured the white to crimes and immorality by cooking
> rationalizations.
> the secret relationship between blacks and jews.pdf
> ChristoFER COLUMBUS was a Jew
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