Python editing .txt file
187braintrust at
187braintrust at
Wed Jun 16 15:29:21 EDT 2010
MRAB <python <at>> writes:
> input_file = open(input_path)
> output_file = open(output_path, "w")
> for line in input_file:
> if line.startswith("factor("):
> open_paren = line.find("(")
> close_paren = line.find(")")
> variable = line[open_paren + 1 : close_paren]
> output_file.write("*** Factors for %s ***\n" % variable)
> prefix = line[ : close_paren + 1]
> while line.startswith(prefix):
> line = input_file.readline()
> output_file.write(line)
> input_file.close()
> output_file.close()
This code is very helpful. Thank you. I have been working with it, but
encounter an error that I thought I should mention (line = input_file.readline()
ValueError: Mixing iteration and read methods would lose data).
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