Lecture by a PROFESSOR - Jews were the MAJOR ESLAVERS and Slave Traders of the WORLD
nanothermite911fbibustards at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 17:39:47 EDT 2010
Lecture by a PROFESSOR - Jews were the MAJOR ESLAVERS and Slave
Traders of the WORLD
Remember the one NAME - JEW AARON LOPEZ
Remember the one NAME - JEW AARON LOPEZ
Remember the one NAME - JEW AARON LOPEZ
On Jun 16, 12:44 pm, small Pox <smallpox... at gmail.com> wrote:
> "They tell how they supplied smallpox to General Amherst (Secret
> Relationship, pp. 111-114) to send the blankets among the Native
> American - it's all here.
> "They tell how they supplied smallpox to General Amherst (Secret
> Relationship, pp. 111-114) to send the blankets among the Native
> American - it's all here.
> Honorable and Soft Spoken, Minister Louis Farrakhan & the Jews
> University of Illinois at Chicago Pavillion
> "The Black Man Must Do For Self or Suffer the Consequences!"
> Chicago, October 7, 1991
> "In my hands is a manuscript, brothers and sisters, that arose out of
> the controversy between myself and the Jewish community. I want to
> tell all of you I have never been antisemitic. I have never been a
> hater of Jews, nor am I now that, but I discovered in my tussle with
> them that they were on me because I had the nerve to pull the cover
> off of some deceitful practices that they practice on us and on
> others. And so they tried to make me the worst Black man in history.
> When they did that, some Muslims in the Nation rose up to defend me
> and went into libraries and did research and compiled a manuscript of
> over 300 pages from their own writings not from us. And not one
> scholar that we quote is an antisemite. Here are Jewish rabbis, Jewish
> scholars, Jewish writers. They document their own hand in the slave
> trade. They document their own hand in owning the ships, running the
> ships, buying and selling our fathers - it's here.
> "They tell how they supplied smallpox to General Amherst (Secret
> Relationship, pp. 111-114) to send the blankets among the Native
> American - it's all here. I'm going to send this to every Jewish
> person that has attacked me - FREE. I'm not going to ask them to pay
> for it - with a letter from me asking them to comment on what we have
> discovered in our research. I'm sending this to the Black Caucus, to
> Black leaders and Black preachers. I want you to read. This is not to
> create hate, but what it is to do is to rearrange a relationship that
> is not beneficial to us but has been detrimental to us...
> "With the help of God we intend to put this everywhere and this is
> just Volume One. We have three volumes of it....I'm telling you what
> you read in this, it will make you to know that Farrakhan was not
> wrong. I stood and I stand on principles of truth and by the grace of
> God I will never back down from truth. I want this in the Senate
> because the Senate voted 95 to nothing to censure me saying that an
> antisemite like Farrakhan has no place in America. I want my day in
> court in the US Senate and I want that expunged from the record and my
> name cleared."
> 1999 - Jewish Rabbis & Farrakhan Meet
> The meeting began with prayers-one in Hebrew, another in Arabic-and
> then a spirited and spiritual dialogue began between the leader of the
> Nation of Islam and seven members of the Neturei Karta International
> orthodox Jewish community.
> ==========
> The JEW bastards did 911 to CLAMP down on the spread of the truth.
> These bastards will be punished.
> ==========
> The FAT per DIEM FBI bustards use our TAX PAYER MONEY and INCOMPETENCE
> =====
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX18zUp6WPY
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQapkVCx1HI
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXJ-k-iOg0M
> Hey Racist and INcompetent FBI Bustards, where is the ANTHRAX Mailer ?
> Where are the 4 blackboxes ? Where are the Pentagon Videos ? Why did
> you release the 5 dancing Israelis compromising the whole 911
> investigation ? If the Dubai Police can catch Mossad Murderers and put
> the videos and Iranian Police can why cant you put the Pentagon
> Videos ? If Iran police can put the AMERICAN TERRORIST, Riggi and
> puting on INTERNATIONAL MEDIA a day after catching him without
> TORTURE, why cant you put the INNOCENT patsies on the MEDIA. Why did
> you have to LIE about Dr Afiya Siddiqui and torture that Innocent
> little mother of 3 and smashing the skull of her one child ?
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhMcii8smxkhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SZ2lxDJmdg
> There are CRIMINAL cases against CIA CRIMINAL Bustards in Italian
> courts.
> FBI bustards paid a penalty of $5.8 million to Steven Hatfill, but
> only because he was a white. They got away with MURDER of thousands of
> Non-whites in all parts of the world.
> Daily 911 news :http://911blogger.com
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRfhUezbKLw
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7kGZ3XPEm4
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lX18zUp6WPY
> Conclusion : FBI bustards are RACIST and INcompetent. They could
> neither catch the ANTHRAX or 911 YANK/Jew criminals nor could they
> cover them up - whichever was their actual goal or task.
> SLASH the SALARIES of FBI/CIA/NSA etc BUSTARDS into half all across
> tbe board, esp the whites/jew on the top.
> FBI Bustards failed to Catch BERNARD MADOFF even after that RACIST and
> FBI bustards failed to prevent ROMAN POLANSKY from absconding to
> europe and rapes.
> FBI bustards failed to prevent OKLAHOMA
> ========
> Hey RACIST FBI Bustards, where is the ANTHRAX mailer ???
> "They tell how they supplied smallpox to General Amherst (Secret
> Relationship, pp. 111-114) to send the blankets among the Native
> American - it's all here.
> "They tell how they supplied smallpox to General Amherst (Secret
> Relationship, pp. 111-114) to send the blankets among the Native
> American - it's all here.
> "They tell how they supplied smallpox to General Amherst (Secret
> Relationship, pp. 111-114) to send the blankets among the Native
> American - it's all here.
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