Overriding "__setattr__" of a module - possible?
Gabriel Genellina
gagsl-py2 at yahoo.com.ar
Thu Jun 17 03:25:25 EDT 2010
En Wed, 16 Jun 2010 19:56:39 -0300, Ian Kelly <ian.g.kelly at gmail.com>
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:38 PM, John Nagle <nagle at animats.com> wrote:
>> That just leaves things in a state where even "sys" and "import"
>> are undefined.
> Say what? It works fine for me.
>>>> import proxy_mod
>>>> proxy_mod.f()
> 1
>>>> proxy_mod.a = 2
> setting a=2
>>>> proxy_mod.f()
> 2
>>>> proxy_mod.sys
> <module 'sys' (built-in)>
It *mostly* works, but not always. Try this function:
def g(x):
global a
print 'global a -> ', x
a = x
py> import fake # ModuleProxy stuff
py> fake.f()
py> fake.a = 3
setting a=3
py> fake.f()
py> fake.g(8)
global a -> 8
py> fake.f()
py> fake.a
Note the fake.g(8) call: __setattr__ wasn't called.
If the OP wants to trace assignments to global variables, this becomes a
A function defined in a module holds a reference to the module's __dict__
in its func_globals attribute. Getting and setting global variables goes
directly to this dictionary, and does not use the module object at all.
Even worse, the LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL opcodes (which implement getting
and setting global variables) assume func_globals is a true dictionary and
bypass any overriden __getitem__/__setitem__ methods (an optimization,
surely). I'm afraid it will be hard to intercept global variable usage in
these circumstances.
Gabriel Genellina
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