Overriding "__setattr__" of a module - possible?
John Nagle
nagle at animats.com
Thu Jun 17 13:09:38 EDT 2010
On 6/17/2010 12:25 AM, Gabriel Genellina wrote:
> Note the fake.g(8) call: __setattr__ wasn't called.
> If the OP wants to trace assignments to global variables, this becomes a
> problem.
> A function defined in a module holds a reference to the module's
> __dict__ in its func_globals attribute. Getting and setting global
> variables goes directly to this dictionary, and does not use the module
> object at all.
> Even worse, the LOAD_GLOBAL/STORE_GLOBAL opcodes (which implement
> getting and setting global variables) assume func_globals is a true
> dictionary and bypass any overriden __getitem__/__setitem__ methods (an
> optimization, surely). I'm afraid it will be hard to intercept global
> variable usage in these circumstances.
OK, thanks. You can't actually replace "__setattr__" for
a module, and the "module as class" hack is iffy. I didn't
really think this would work, but it was worth a try.
I'm trying out a proof of concept implementation for a new
approach to safe threading. It's somewhat similar in concept
to Alan Olsen's scheme. The basic difference is that once
the program goes multi-thread, code objects and some other
bindings are locked down and become unchangeable. Olsen
was climbing the walls trying to get the locking right for
the awful cases like redefining a function while another thread
is inside it. I'm trying to lock out some of those cases.
If you do that, removing the GIL requires less pain than
Olsen experienced.
The key idea is that the use cases for most of Python's
code dynamism are during setup and initialization. You usually
don't change code once the program has gone into its heavy
parallel processing phase. This suggests a practical compromise.
More on this once I have something people can download and try.
I'm doing a test implementation in Python so people can try the
concept and see if it works in practice. It won't go fast;
it's just to give a feel for what it would be like.
John Nagle
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