Jewish Pirates of the Caribbean
nanothermite911fbibustards at
Thu Jun 17 15:40:36 EDT 2010
On Jun 16, 3:46 pm, nanothermite911fbibustards
<nanothermite911fbibusta... at> wrote:
> On Jun 16, 3:27 pm, "J. Clarke" <jclarke.use... at> wrote:
> > On 6/16/2010 4:42 PM, George Neuner wrote:
> > > On Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:23:35 +0200, p... at (Pascal J.
> > > Bourguignon) wrote:
> > >> Kryno Bosman<kryno.bos... at> writes:
> > >>> Would you, please, be so nice to share *your* truth somewhere else?
> > >> He has been long time ago kill-filed by everybody.
> > >> Your quoting of his message puts you at risk of being kill-filed too.
> > >> The only way to deal with this kind of post is the kill file and
> > >> foremost not quoting them!
> > > IMO, the best way to deal with that kind of trash is to hunt down the
> > > poster and put a bullet in him. I'm not Jewish, but I'm offended on
> > > their behalf.
> > If that is your viewpoint you should do or do not, discussing it on the
> > Internet could get you investigated if someone else decides to do it.
> George Neuner DESERVES his FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Let him say and you tell
> us how you would do it. I did not write the original article, its been
> on the internet for decades. Many of such articles are written by jews
> themselves. All the sources are jewish in ORIGIN. Bring the same IQ to
> this subject that you bring to LISP/SCHEME, unless you are a fixed
> weight hard-wired neural network.
> Dont forget, google has already its censorship on me. From the first
> post, I was dished out a CAPTCHA to fill. Every post requires a
> CAPTCHA. They are censoring / limiting as best as they can. They know
> that if they dont, alternatives will spring up which will NOT be in
> their CONTROL even to this extent.
> Ever post requires me one or more captchas and ONLY 5 newsgroups.
And it would take wind out of their bogus argument of pulling out of
China on the pretext of censorship.
> Why cant you face the truth ? Is it just too bitter to swallow ? There
> used to be too many porn spams and that dont bother you. Are you a
> crypto jew ?
> Watch this and relax from the gentle MUSICAL !!! Share with
> colleagues, professors and students.
> =====
> The FAT per DIEM FBI bustards use our TAX PAYER MONEY and
> =====
> Hey Racist and INcompetent FBI Bustards, where is the ANTHRAX
> Mailer ?
> Where are the 4 blackboxes ? Where are the Pentagon Videos ? Why did
> you release the 5 dancing Israelis compromising the whole 911
> investigation ? If the Dubai Police can catch Mossad Murderers and
> put
> the videos and Iranian Police can why cant you put the Pentagon
> Videos ? If Iran police can put the AMERICAN TERRORIST, Riggi and
> puting on INTERNATIONAL MEDIA a day after catching him without
> TORTURE, why cant you put the INNOCENT patsies on the MEDIA. Why did
> you have to LIE about Dr Afiya Siddiqui and torture that Innocent
> little mother of 3 and smashing the skull of her one child ?
> There are CRIMINAL cases against CIA CRIMINAL Bustards in Italian
> courts.
> FBI bustards paid a penalty of $5.8 million to Steven Hatfill, but
> only because he was a white. They got away with MURDER of thousands
> of
> Non-whites in all parts of the world.
> Daily 911 news :
> Conclusion : FBI bustards are RACIST and INcompetent. They could
> neither catch the ANTHRAX or 911 YANK/Jew criminals nor could they
> cover them up - whichever was their actual goal or task.
> SLASH the SALARIES of FBI/CIA/NSA etc BUSTARDS into half all across
> tbe board, esp the whites/jew on the top.
> FBI Bustards failed to Catch BERNARD MADOFF even after that RACIST
> and
> FBI bustards failed to prevent ROMAN POLANSKY from absconding to
> europe and rapes.
> FBI bustards failed to prevent OKLAHOMA
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