Communicating with a program using subprocess
nobody at
Fri Jun 18 20:45:23 EDT 2010
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 11:22:37 +0200, Laurent Verweijen wrote:
> This is easy to understand, but I want to pipe it's input/output
> by another python program. (I will show what I am doing on the
> console to test it)
> >>> from subprocess import *
> >>> p = Popen(["python", ""], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
> >>> p.communicate("5")
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "", line 4, in <module>
> n = int(raw_input(n)) + 1
> EOFError: EOF when reading a line
> The problem is that I want to use communicate multiple times
> before closing the file.
> How could I achieve this
Don't use communicate(). Use p.stdin.write() to send input, use
p.stdin.close() then p.wait() when you're finished.
If you also want to read the child process' stdout, either:
1. ensure that the child *never* writes more than a buffer's worth of data
at a time (the exact value is implementation-dependent, but up to 4K
should be fine for any modern Unix; I don't know about Windows),
2. use a separate thread for reading stdout,
3. use non-blocking I/O (use the fcntl module for Unix, you need PyWin32
for Windows), or
4. have the process write to a file instead of a pipe.
See the implementation of subprocess.Popen.communicate for clues.
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