Another MySQL Problem
tapi at
Wed Jun 23 12:12:03 EDT 2010
On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 10:46:37 -0430, Victor Subervi
<victorsubervi at> wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Stephen Hansen
> <me+list/python at>wrote:
>> On 6/23/10 6:45 AM, Victor Subervi wrote:
>> > Hi;
>> > I have this line:
>> >
>> > cursor.execute('select clientEmail from clients where client=%s',
>> > (string.replace(client, '_', ' ')))
>> > clientEmail = cursor.fetchone()[0]
>> > cursor.execute('select * from %s' % (client))
>> >
>> > client = "Lincoln_Properties"
>> > With the replacement, the interpreter complains that
>> > doesn't exist. Therefore, the first line of code isn't putting the %s
>> > replacement in quotes, as I was told by you all it would. So I add
>> > quotes to it and the interpreter complains on the second line of code
>> > that it's unsubscriptable (because it's None). What gives?
>> Its very early, so excuse me if I fall asleep in the middle of the
>> response.
>> First: Don't do 'string.replace(your_string, x, y)' -- that's back in
>> the very, very old days before strings themselves had all the nice
>> methods.
>> Do, 'client.replace("_", " ")' instead.
>> Second, you're forgetting a cardinal rule. Always, always, always,
>> include the actual tracebacks when reporting errors. Don't summarize
>> them.
>> Third, I *think* the problem is-- though I may be wrong here, because
>> again, just woke up-- that you're not passing the options as a tuple.
>> Consider: ("hello") is not a tuple with one item. This is a slight
>> 'wart' with Python syntax. Parens do not make tuples: *commas* do.
>> Therefore, every tuple *must* have a comma. To make a one-item tuple,
>> you must do ("hello", )
> Well making the changes you suggest throws this error:
> A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function
> calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
> /var/www/html/
> 67 </body>
> 68 </html>'''
> 69
> 70 mailSpreadsheet()
> 71
> mailSpreadsheet = <function mailSpreadsheet>
> /var/www/html/ in
> mailSpreadsheet()
> 34 subject = 'Order From Client'
> 35 cursor.execute('select clientEmail from clients where
> (client.replace('_', ' '),))
> 36 clientEmail = cursor.fetchone()[0]
> 37 cursor.execute('select * from %s', (client,))
> 38 data = cursor.fetchall()
> clientEmail = 'jpage at', cursor = <MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object>,
> cursor.fetchone = <bound method Cursor.fetchone of
> object>>
> TypeError: unsubscriptable object
> args = ('unsubscriptable object',)
> Please advise.
> TIA,
> beno
You should strongly consider reading the DB API 2.0 documentation :
Fetch the next row of a query result set, returning a
single sequence, or None when no more data is
available. [6]
You script fails because the request returns no results, and fetchone()
returns None.
Evaluating None[0] is invalid, so you get an exception.
Test fetchone() return value before accessing it as a sequence, and
everything should be OK :
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row is None:
# error handling, i.e.:
raise CustomException("Client not found")
clientEmail = row[0]
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