ttk Scale: missing attributes
eric.brunel.pragmadev at
Thu Jun 24 04:45:37 EDT 2010
On Jun 23, 7:26 pm, Alan G Isaac < at> wrote:
> Tkinter's Scale widget had a `label` and a `resolution` attribute.
> These appear to be missing from the Ttk Scale widget.
> Is there a reason? These were important attributes.
> Thanks,
> Alan Isaac
As you might know, the new ttk widgets are not intenteded to be drop-
in replacements for older tk widgets, so some of them do not have the
same options indeed. For your particular problem, the options were
probably dropped because they are not absolutely needed: you can do by
yourself what the 'resolution' option did automatically, and you can
just add a label widget near the scale if you want to. Just a guess…
- Eric -
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