Python dynamic attribute creation
Nathan Rice
nathan.alexander.rice at
Fri Jun 25 10:01:40 EDT 2010
You are thinking like a C programmer....
Why do you want the language to tie your hands? I want a language to give
me the tools I need and get out of the way. The more assumptions that are
baked into a language the more opportunities it has to be wrong.
Furthermore, object oriented design is a useful paradigm, but it is not the
be-all and end-all of how computer programming is done. You should use it
where it fits and ignore it where it doesn't. Focus more on doing things
elegantly and less on conforming to the popular paradigm du jour.
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 9:15 AM, WANG Cong <xiyou.wangcong at> wrote:
> Hi, list!
> I have a doubt about the design of dynamic attribute creation by
> assignments in Python.
> As we know, in Python, we are able to create a new attribute of
> a class dynamically by an assignment:
> >>> class test: pass
> ...
> >>> test.a = "hello"
> >>> test.a
> 'hello'
> >>>
> However, I still don't get the points why Python designs it like this.
> My points are:
> 1) Modifying a class attribute is metaprogramming, and this is modifying
> a class, i.e. adding a new attribute to it, thus this should belong
> to metaprogramming. (I know, strictly speaking, maybe my definition of
> "metaprogramming" here is incorrect, I _do_ welcome someone could
> correct me if I am really wrong, but that is not the main point here,
> please don't go off-topic.)
> 2) Metaprogramming should be distinguished with non-meta programming,
> like templates in C++, it is obvious to see if you are using template
> metaprogramming in C++.
> 3) Thus, allowing dynamic attribute creation by assignment _by default_
> is not a good design for me. It is not obvious at all to see if I am
> doing metaprogramming at a first glance.
> 4) Also, this will _somewhat_ violate the OOP princples, in OOP,
> this is and should be implemented by inherence.
> 5) This could hide errors silently, for example, when I do:
> >>>test.typooooo = "blah"
> I am expecting Python will compllain that "Hey! You have a typo in the
> attribute name!". Also, this could make code worse to read, if I
> add a new attribute in one place, and add another one in the another
> place, and so on, what attributes the hell do I have finally?!
> I know someone will say you can change this by overriding the
> __set_attr__ function, like Recipe 6.3 in Python Cookbook.
> However, this is not default. In my points of view, a better design
> should be:
> 1) Disallow dynamic attribute creations by assignments _by default_,
> thus I expect an error when I do:
> >>> foo.new_attr = "blah"
> AttributeError:
> by default.
> 2) For people who want to add a new attribute at runtime,
> but not to override __set_attr__, he/she should switch to:
> >>> setattr(foo, "new_attr", "blah")
> This will be more like doing metaprogramming rather than non-meta
> programming, at least more obvious than using an assignment.
> 3) Allow users who don't like this to change by __set_attr__,
> of course.
> Someone argued with me that Python is a dynamic language,
> allowing this is natural. True, I do understand that attributes in
> Python are stored in an internal dictionary (__dict__), allowing
> assignments to an non-existing key is natural. However, this will be
> a little different when we talk about classes attributes, simple
> assignments could have side-effects, besides the traditional assignments
> effect, like in C, that is, creating a new attribute silently. So even
> from a view of beauty, this is not a good design.
> I hope someone could teach me more about why Python design it like
> it is. Any reply is more than welcome.
> Thanks for your time!
> --
> Live like a child, think like the god.
> --
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