best way to increment an IntVar?
rantingrick at
Fri Jun 25 20:00:37 EDT 2010
On Jun 25, 5:15 pm, Emile van Sebille <em... at> wrote:
> > I AM rewriting it, however i am heavily contemplating whether i will
> > or will not share the code with such ungrateful heathens.
> Idle is dead -- long live idlefork!
Thanks Emile for sharing this. Nobody had told me about the IDLE fork
project. And that is very strange to me considering all the noise i've
made about IDLE over the last year or so. Anyway i was reading from
the "main" IDLEFORK project page and noticed something peculiar...
"""The IDLEfork project was an official experimental development fork
of Python's small, light, 'bundled' integrated development
environment, IDLE."""
...Ok, sounds great!
"""On June 29, 2003 the IDLEfork code base (rev 0.9b1) was merged back
into Python. Its location in the Python source tree was moved from .../
Tools/idle to .../Lib/idlelib, and the IDLEfork project went into
bugfix mode."""
hmm 2003? Bummer. This means that even the newest attempt to upgrade
idle was nearly ~7 years ago? So it seems old IDLE is really living up
to it's name. Looks like the dev cycle is completely "idle" at this
point and suffering the fate of monkey patch syndrome. I think it's
high time we create a new IDLE fork and then mold it back into the
stdlib. This time actually creating a Pythonic IDLE which conforms to
the stdlib for comments, docstrings, working test subjects, etc...
Any module in the stdlib should have proper comments, docstrings on
every method, and most importantly a test case wrapped up in a "if
__name__ == '__main__'" block. And this test case SHOULD NEVER BLOW
CHUNKS! The test case is sooo important to new programmers learning
Python, and i cannot stress that enough!
Now. I would be more than happy to start by doc'ing out all the
methods, classes, modules, etc. However i'm not about to waste my time
if i cannot get the code accepted into the stdlib because "some
people" here hate me.
@OP: I am very sorry to have hijacked your thread. This was not my
intention however the state of IDLE (and any stdlib module) is very
important to the future of Python. And since IDLE is written in
Tkinter there is a connection to the subject matter within this
thread. Although i will admit it's a very distant connection.
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