Using Classes
Mag Gam
magawake at
Sat Jun 26 08:19:34 EDT 2010
Oh wow. You went beyond :-)
Let me rewrite the example. I only want to calculate the wait time
which is basically the depart time minus the arrival time for multiple
This is all on 1 station.
June 26, 2010:
Trian A, Arrived at 6:00AM, Depart at 9:00AM
Trian B, Arrived at 2:00AM, Depart at 2:30AM
Trian C, Arrived at 4:00AM, Depart at 4:30AM
Trian D, Arrived at 7:00AM, Depart at 9:00AM
June 27, 2010:
Trian A, Arrived at 6:00AM, Depart at 9:15AM
Trian B, Arrived at 2:00AM, Depart at 2:35AM
Trian C, Arrived at 4:00AM, Depart at 4:35AM
Trian D, Arrived at 6:40AM, Depart at 9:03AM
Let say I want to just display wait time (Depart-Arrived):
June 26, 2010
TrianA: 3:00:00
TrianB: 0:30:00
TrianC: 0:30:00
TrianD: 2:00:00
and the same for June 27.
I have already built out the functions and the dictionaries, just
wondering how and where I can do it in OOP.
On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 2:39 AM, Dennis Lee Bieber
<wlfraed at> wrote:
> On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 19:41:43 -0400, Mag Gam <magawake at>
> declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:
>> Thanks everyone for your responses. They were very useful and I am
>> glad I asked the question.
>> I think having a concrete example would help me better, lets say I have this.
>> Trian A, Arrived at 6:00AM Jun 25, Left at 8:00AM Jun 25
>> Trian B, Arrived at 2:00AM Jun 26, Left at 12:00AM Jun 26
>> Trian C, Arrived at 4:00AM Jun 2, Left at 11:00AM Jun 2
>> Trian D, Arrived at 7:00AM Jun 11, Left at 3:00AM Jun 11
> Arrived where? Left where? Especially as "Trian D" "left" four hours
> before it "arrived"... <G>
>> Does that look right? Lets say I want to figure out how long each
>> train waited on the platfor
> I'd probably model that as an attribute of a station/platform
> This doesn't quite answer your specific "how long" question (in
> truth, I've got the reverse here -- each Station has a fixed "wait"
> time, but the time is different for different stations).
> It also isn't a very well thought out example, I wrote it on the
> fly. A better simulation would use callbacks into each train, and time
> ordered queue of events. That way the main loop would basically consist
> of pulling off the first (lowest time value) event -- set that time as
> "now", invoke the callback passing "now" (which would activate the
> method in the train that defined that event); the train would then put
> out its status, compute its next event time, insert that new event onto
> the queue (being a time-ordered priority queue, the new event is
> inserted at the proper time place, not just at the end). Instead, I'm
> using a simple incrementing time and invoking each train with "now",
> letting each train compute if the event time has been reached.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> import time
> class Station(object):
> def __init__(self, name, waitTime):
> #waitTime is in hours
> = name
> self.waitTime = waitTime
> class Route(object):
> def __init__(self, name):
> = name
> self.stations = []
> def next(self, current):
> to = (current + 1) % len(self.stations)
> return to
> def addStation(self, station):
> self.stations.append(station)
> class Train(object):
> def __init__(self, name, speed, route, currentStation):
> #speed is in distance-units per hour
> = name
> self.speed = speed
> self.route = route
> self.station = currentStation
> self.nextEventTime = 0
> self.enroute = False
> def update(self, time):
> if (self.enroute
> and (time >= self.nextEventTime)):
> self.enroute = False
> self.nextEventTime = (time
> + self.route.stations[
> self.station].waitTime)
> print ("%8s\t%-15s\tTrain %s arriving %s"
> % (time,
> self.route.stations[self.station].name))
> elif (not self.enroute
> and (time >= self.nextEventTime)):
> self.enroute = True
> currentStation = self.station
> self.station =
> self.nextEventTime = (time
> + (globalMap[
> (self.route.stations[currentStation],
> self.route.stations[self.station]) ]
> / self.speed))
> print ("%8s\t%-15s\tTrain %s departing %s for %s"
> % (time,
> self.route.stations[currentStation].name,
> self.route.stations[self.station].name))
> else:
> pass
> class Railroad(object):
> def __init__(self, trains, time=0):
> self.trains = trains
> self.time = time
> for train in self.trains:
> train.time = self.time
> def update(self, timeDelta=0.125):
> #timeDelta is in hours.
> self.time += timeDelta
> for train in self.trains:
> train.update(self.time)
> ############
> # create a few stations
> london = Station("London", 0.5)
> paris = Station("Paris", 0.33)
> moscow = Station("Moscow", 1.51)
> athens = Station("Athens", 0.5)
> rome = Station("Rome", 0.25)
> madrid = Station("Madrid", 0.25)
> beijing = Station("Beijing", 0.2)
> mumbai = Station("Mumbai", 0.45)
> berlin = Station("Berlin", 0.33)
> edinburgh = Station("Edinburgh", 0.33)
> # define world map (distance table); highly fictional data
> globalMap = { (london, paris) : 500, (london, moscow) : 1250,
> (london, athens) : 1000, (london, rome) : 750,
> (london, madrid) : 750, (london, beijing) : 2500,
> (london, mumbai) : 2000, (london, berlin) : 675,
> (london, edinburgh) : 450,
> (paris, moscow) : 750, (paris, athens) : 500,
> (paris, rome) : 250, (paris, madrid): 250,
> (paris, beijing) : 2000, (paris, mumbai) : 1500,
> (paris, berlin) : 175, (paris, edinburgh) : 950,
> (moscow, athens) : 750, (moscow, rome) : 1000,
> (moscow, madrid) : 1500, (moscow, beijing) : 1250,
> (moscow, mumbai) : 750, (moscow, berlin) : 750,
> (moscow, edinburgh) : 1700,
> (athens, rome) : 750, (athens, madrid) : 1000,
> (athens, beijing) : 2000, (athens, mumbai) : 1000,
> (athens, berlin) : 325, (athens, edinburgh) : 1450,
> (rome, madrid) : 750, (rome, beijing) : 2250,
> (rome, mumbai) : 1750, (rome, berlin) : 500,
> (rome, edinburgh) : 1200,
> (madrid, beijing) : 2500, (madrid, mumbai) : 1750,
> (madrid, berlin) : 500, (madrid, edinburgh) : 1200,
> (beijing, mumbai) : 800, (beijing, berlin) : 2250,
> (beijing, edinburgh) : 2950,
> (mumbai, berlin) : 1250, (mumbai, edinburgh) : 2450,
> (berlin, edinburgh) : 1125 }
> # create reverse mappings
> for (frm, to) in globalMap.keys():
> globalMap[ (to, frm) ] = globalMap[ (frm, to) ]
> # create some routes; remember routes are cycles, the last city connects
> to
> # the first
> orient = Route("Orient Express")
> worldTour = Route("WorldTour")
> euroZone = Route("Europe")
> orient.addStation(paris)
> orient.addStation(athens)
> orient.addStation(moscow)
> orient.addStation(mumbai)
> orient.addStation(beijing)
> orient.addStation(moscow)
> worldTour.addStation(edinburgh)
> worldTour.addStation(london)
> worldTour.addStation(madrid)
> worldTour.addStation(rome)
> worldTour.addStation(athens)
> worldTour.addStation(mumbai)
> worldTour.addStation(beijing)
> worldTour.addStation(moscow)
> worldTour.addStation(berlin)
> worldTour.addStation(paris)
> euroZone.addStation(paris)
> euroZone.addStation(madrid)
> euroZone.addStation(rome)
> euroZone.addStation(athens)
> euroZone.addStation(berlin)
> #create trains
> wt = Train("World Tour", 75, worldTour, 0)
> oe = Train("Orient Express", 125, orient, 0)
> exp = Train("Morning Express", 150, euroZone, 0)
> mc = Train("Morning Commute", 50, euroZone, 0)
> ec = Train("Evening Commute", 50, euroZone, 3)
> #create railroad
> rr = Railroad([wt, oe, exp, mc, ec])
> # start running
> while True:
> rr.update()
> time.sleep(0.25)
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Definitely not realistic... My "Orient Express" (Paris to Beijing and
> back, passing through Moscow both ways) takes 42 "hours" for the
> round-trip.
> 0.125 WorldTour Train World Tour departing Edinburgh for
> London
> 0.125 Orient Express Train Orient Express departing Paris for
> Athens
> 0.125 Europe Train Morning Express departing Paris for
> Madrid
> 0.125 Europe Train Morning Commute departing Paris for
> Madrid
> 0.125 Europe Train Evening Commute departing Athens for
> Berlin
> 1.125 Europe Train Morning Express arriving Madrid
> 1.375 Europe Train Morning Express departing Madrid for
> Rome
> 4.125 Orient Express Train Orient Express arriving Athens
> 4.625 Orient Express Train Orient Express departing Athens for
> Moscow
> 5.125 Europe Train Morning Commute arriving Madrid
> 5.375 Europe Train Morning Commute departing Madrid for
> Rome
> 6.125 WorldTour Train World Tour arriving London
> 6.125 Europe Train Evening Commute arriving Berlin
> 6.375 Europe Train Morning Express arriving Rome
> 6.5 Europe Train Evening Commute departing Berlin for
> Paris
> 6.625 WorldTour Train World Tour departing London for Madrid
> 6.625 Europe Train Morning Express departing Rome for
> Athens
> 9.5 Europe Train Evening Commute arriving Paris
> 9.875 Europe Train Evening Commute departing Paris for
> Madrid
> 10.625 Orient Express Train Orient Express arriving Moscow
> 11.625 Europe Train Morning Express arriving Athens
> 12.125 Europe Train Morning Express departing Athens for
> Berlin
> 12.25 Orient Express Train Orient Express departing Moscow for
> Mumbai
> 14.125 Europe Train Morning Express arriving Berlin
> 14.5 Europe Train Morning Express departing Berlin for
> Paris
> 14.875 Europe Train Evening Commute arriving Madrid
> 15.125 Europe Train Evening Commute departing Madrid for
> Rome
> 15.5 Europe Train Morning Express arriving Paris
> 15.875 Europe Train Morning Express departing Paris for
> Madrid
> 16.625 WorldTour Train World Tour arriving Madrid
> 16.875 WorldTour Train World Tour departing Madrid for Rome
> 16.875 Europe Train Morning Express arriving Madrid
> 17.125 Europe Train Morning Express departing Madrid for
> Rome
> 18.25 Orient Express Train Orient Express arriving Mumbai
> 18.75 Orient Express Train Orient Express departing Mumbai for
> Beijing
> 20.375 Europe Train Morning Commute arriving Rome
> 20.625 Europe Train Morning Commute departing Rome for
> Athens
> 22.125 Europe Train Morning Express arriving Rome
> 22.375 Europe Train Morning Express departing Rome for
> Athens
> --
> Wulfraed Dennis Lee Bieber AF6VN
> wlfraed at HTTP://
> --
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