I strongly dislike Python 3

David Cournapeau cournape at gmail.com
Sun Jun 27 10:58:48 EDT 2010

On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Peter Kleiweg <p.c.j.kleiweg at rug.nl> wrote:
> David Cournapeau schreef op de 27e dag van de zomermaand van het jaar 2010:
>> I doubt "porting is easier than you think" will convince many people
>> if they don't know what the gain will be. For example, porting numpy
>> and scipy to py3k has been easier than I thought, but besides making
>> it easier for other people to switch, I can't see *any* benefit.
>> That's bound to frustrate people.
> The latest NumPy is 1.4.1, and it does not install with Python 3.1.1

The 3.x support for numpy is in the trunk


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