Docstrings considered too complicated

Jean-Michel Pichavant jeanmichel at
Mon Mar 1 05:34:45 EST 2010

MRAB wrote:
> Gregory Ewing wrote:
>> Mel wrote:
>>> You could think of it as a not bad use of the design principle 
>>> "Clear The Simple Stuff Out Of The Way First".  Destinations are 
>>> commonly a lot simpler than sources
>> That's not usually true in assembly languages, though,
>> where the source and destination are both very restricted
>> and often about the same complexity.
>> That's not to say that right-to-left is the wrong way
>> to do it in an assembly language, but there are less
>> misleading words than "move" that could be used.
>> Z80 assembly language uses "load", which makes things
>> considerably clearer:
>>   LD A, B  ; load A with B
> Some processors distinguish between "load" (memory to register) and
> "store" (register to memory), and the destination and LHS operand of
> binary operations might be the same register, for example:
>     CLC ; clear the carry
>     LDA first ; accumulator := byte at first
>     ADCA second ; accumulator := accumulator + byte at second + carry
>     STA result ; byte at third := accumulator
Guys, you sound like people arguing about old school TV show / series 
like star treck :-)
- "He was wearing a blue suit !"
- "Check episode number 29, he appeared with a pink one!"

I'm glad I'm too young to had to code in assembler, or to bear the 
vision of those unlikely space suits from the 70's ;-)


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