Searching for most pythonic/least stupid way to do something simple

Paul Rubin at nospam.invalid
Tue Mar 16 11:09:37 EDT 2010

david jensen <dmj.ccc at> writes:
> Obviously, i can just write the code again, in an else, switching
> indices 0 and 1. Or, I could just have a test at the beginning, switch
> them if they are in the order "big, small", and then switch them again
> at the end in a list comprehension. Both ideas seem terribly silly,
> and there must be an obvious way to do it that I'm not seeing.

Generally when faced with this kind of question, see if you can
use the built-in min and max functions:

    def getOutcomes():
        smaller = min(myList[0], myList[1])
        bigger  = max(myList[0], myList[1])
        remainder = bigger - smaller

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