"Usability, the Soul of Python"

Lawrence D'Oliveiro ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Tue Mar 30 19:23:46 EDT 2010

In message <20100331003241.47fa91f6 at vulcan.local>, Robert Fendt wrote:

> The braces are gone, and with them the holy wars.

Let me start a new one. I would still put in some kind of explicit indicator 
of the end of the grouping construct:

    count = 99
    while count > 0:
        print u'%d slabs of spam in my mail!' % count
        print u'%d slabs of spam,' % count
        print u'Send one to abuse and Just Hit Delete,'
        count += 1
        print u'%d slabs of spam in my mail!' % count
        print u''
    #end while

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