logging: local functions ==> loss of lineno
Hellmut Weber
mail at hellmutweber.de
Mon Mar 15 19:36:01 EDT 2010
Am 11.03.2010 12:14, schrieb Peter Otten:
> Hellmut Weber wrote:
>> Logging works very well giving the filename and line number of the point
>> where it is called. As long as I use the loggers directly.
>> BUT when I have to wrap the logger call in some other function, I always
>> get file name and line number of the call of the logger inside the
>> wrapping function.
>> Is there a possibility to get this information in this situation too?
> The official way is probably to write a custom Logger class that overrides
> the findCaller() method.
> Below is a hack that monkey-patches the logging._srcfile attribute to ignore
> user-specified modules in the call stack:
> $ cat wrapper.py
> import logging
> import os
> import sys
> logger = logging.getLogger()
> class SrcFile(object):
> def __init__(self, exclude_files):
> self.files = set(exclude_files)
> def __eq__(self, other):
> return other in self.files
> def fixname(filename):
> if filename.lower().endswith((".pyc", ".pyo")):
> filename = filename[:-4] + ".py"
> return os.path.normcase(filename)
> if "--monkey" in sys.argv:
> print "patching"
> logging._srcfile = SrcFile([logging._srcfile, fixname(__file__)])
> def warn(*args, **kw):
> logger.warn(*args, **kw)
> $ cat main.py
> import logging
> logging.basicConfig(format="%(filename)s<%(lineno)s>: %(message)s")
> import wrapper
> wrapper.warn("foo")
> wrapper.warn("bar")
> wrapper.warn("baz")
> $ python main.py
> wrapper.py<23>: foo
> wrapper.py<23>: bar
> wrapper.py<23>: baz
> $ python main.py --monkey
> patching
> main.py<4>: foo
> main.py<5>: bar
> main.py<6>: baz
> $ python -V
> Python 2.6.4
> Peter
Hi Peter,
thanks for your help ;-)
I've been offline for a few days so I found your message only today.
I'll try your proposal tomorrow.
Thanks again
Dr. Hellmut Weber mail at hellmutweber.de
Degenfeldstraße 2 tel +49-89-3081172
D-80803 München-Schwabing mobil +49-172-8450321
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