Traversing through Dir()
Andrej Mitrovic
andrej.mitrovich at
Fri Mar 26 10:16:47 EDT 2010
On Mar 26, 9:18 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" <al... at> wrote:
> * Andrej Mitrovic:
> > I would like to traverse through the entire structure of dir(), and
> > write it to a file.
> > Now, if I try to write the contents of dir() to a file (via pickle), I
> > only get the top layer. So even if there are lists within the returned
> > list from dir(), they get written as a list of strings to the file.
> > Basically, I have an embedded and somewhat stripped version of Python.
> > I would like to find out just how much functionality it has (I have no
> > documentation for it), so I thought the best way to do that is
> > traverse thru the dir() call. Any clues as to how I could write the
> > whole structure to a file? I guess I'll need some kind of recursion
> > here. :)
> The built-in dir() function just produces a sequence of strings.
> You can inspect the attributes via the getattr() function. The getattr()
> function produces a reference to an object (as does every expression). Problem:
> if you start with the number 42 and apply dir(), do getattr() on the first
> string, apply dir() on that object, and so on, with CPython you then get into an
> infinite recursion because those objects are produced on demand...
> <code language="Py3">
> obj = 42
> obj_name = "42"
> for n in range( 12 ):
> where = id( obj )
> t = type( obj ).__name__
> print( "{:>2} {:>10} {:20} of type '{}'".format( n, where, obj_name, t ) )
> attribute_names = dir( obj )
> obj_name = attribute_names[0]
> obj = getattr( obj, obj_name )
> </code>
> Similarly, if you do this with the Turtle module as starting point, with CPython
> you get into a different kind of infinite recursion because the chain of
> attributes so obtained is circular.
> <code langauge="Py3">
> import turtle
> obj = turtle
> obj_name = 'turtle'
> for n in range( 12 ):
> where = id( obj )
> t = type( obj ).__name__
> print( "{:>2} {:>10} {:20} of type '{}'".format( n, where, obj_name, t ) )
> attribute_names = dir( obj )
> obj_name = attribute_names[0]
> obj = getattr( obj, obj_name )
> </code>
> It's not a clean, strict hierarchy of objects.
> However, the basic idea is sound when you only want to obtain some limited,
> known information, such as e.g. short descriptions of all string methods, or a
> listing of the standard exception hierarchy.
> <code language="Py3">
> for attribute_name in dir( str ):
> if attribute_name.startswith( "_" ):
> pass
> else:
> attribute = getattr( str, attribute_name )
> doc_string = attribute.__doc__
> doc_lines = doc_string.splitlines()
> if len( doc_lines ) > 2:
> essential_doc = doc_lines[2]
> else:
> essential_doc = doc_lines[0]
> print( attribute_name.ljust( 15 ) + essential_doc )
> </code>
> <code language="Py3">
> "Lists the standard exception class hierarchy with short descriptions."
> import builtins
> import inspect
> indentation = "." + 2*" "
> def is_type( o ):
> # Could use inspect.isclass for this, but in the DIY spirit:
> return isinstance( o, type )
> def beginning_of( s, max_chars ):
> return s[:max_chars] # Not yet discussed, but doesn't matter.
> def print_hierarchy( h, level ):
> for o in h:
> if isinstance( o, tuple ):
> # o is a tuple describing a class
> cls = o[0]
> doc_lines = cls.__doc__.splitlines()
> short_doc = beginning_of( doc_lines[0], 55 )
> print( "{:<34} {}".format(
> level*indentation + cls.__name__, short_doc
> ) )
> else:
> # o is a list array of subclasses
> print_hierarchy( o, level + 1 )
> classes = []
> for name in dir( builtins ):
> o = getattr( builtins, name )
> if is_type( o ):
> if issubclass( o, BaseException ):
> classes.append( o )
> hierarchy = inspect.getclasstree( classes )
> # 'hierarchy' is a list array of tuples and nested list arrays of the same form.
> # The top level is an array of two items, the first item a tuple describing the
> 'object'
> # class, and the second item a list array representing the BaseException hierarchy.
> print_hierarchy( hierarchy[1], level = 0 )
> </code>
> Cheers & hth.,
> - Alf
Thanks for all of that. And yes, I've noticed I get into infinite
recursions all the time, which is why I was asking if there was a
simple way to do this. I'll have a look at these later.
Kind regards,
Andrej Mitrovic
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