python logging writes an empty file
Jean-Michel Pichavant
jeanmichel at
Fri Mar 26 11:44:39 EDT 2010
Ovidiu Deac wrote:
>> You set le level of your handler, but did not set the level of the logger
>> itself.
>> Replace file.setLevel(logging.INFO) by
>> logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
>> Log events are matched versus the logger level 1st, then the handler level
>> (if applicable). Most of the time you don't need to tune your handler
>> levels.
> Right. Thanks a lot!!!
> Now for the second part, any idea why logging.config.fileConfig doesn't work?
> Now the logging.conf looks like this:
> [formatters]
> keys: detailed
> [handlers]
> keys: console,file
> [loggers]
> keys: root
> [formatter_detailed]
> format: %(name)s:%(levelname)s %(module)s:%(lineno)d: %(message)s
> [handler_console]
> class: StreamHandler
> args: []
> formatter: detailed
> [handler_file]
> class=FileHandler
> formatter=detailed
> args=('output.log', 'w')
> filename=output.log
> mode=w
> [logger_root]
> level: INFO
> handlers: file
I'm not sure, I don't use configuration file my loggers.
I don't think the handler_file should have a filename or mode field
though. Try removing them.
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