pythoncom.CoInitialize() not recognised in Eclipse
Dieter Verfaillie
dieterv at
Mon Mar 29 01:59:24 EDT 2010
Quoting KB <keith at>:
> I am getting an error from the IDE saying it does not recognise
> CoInitialize():
> ****
> import pythoncom
> pythoncom.CoInitialize()
> pythoncom.CoUninitialize()
> ****
It works out of the box with PyDev on Eclipse 3.5.2
on Windows XP. If nothing seems to work for you, you could try adding
pythoncom to the
"Forced Builtins" tab of your Python interpreter configuration to see if it
helps (restart eclipse after you've done that, sometimes changes to
the symbols
database don't get picked up without restarting eclipse...)
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