Newbie question: Tuples and reading csv files
Steve Howell
showell30 at
Mon Mar 29 11:34:32 EDT 2010
On Mar 29, 8:31 am, Gryff <gareth.s... at> wrote:
> Hi
> Its been 20 years since I programmed, so I'm stepping back in via
> Python. However I'm beating my brains on tuples/lists (what I used to
> know as arrays). I've fooled around with small code snippets and tried
> a few things, but I can't figure out how to grab elements of
> tuples ...
> For example, I'm reading in a small csv file like this:
> import csv
> csvfile = open("example.csv")
> #sniff the dialect
> dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(
> # get file in using reader method
> mylist=[]
> reader = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect)
> # grab the lines into a reader and pass to mylist
> for row in reader:
> mylist.append(row)
> # now print something out to prove this worked
> print mylist[:3]
> and the output I get is:
> ['Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Adj Close']
> ['2010-03-05', '224.20', '230.70', '223.80', '228.30', '5051500',
> '228.30']
> ['2010-03-04', '223.00', '228.50', '220.50', '224.50', '4040500',
> '224.50']
> So far so good but not useful. My "mylist" has all the data in there,
> but I can only figure out how to get each line out!?!
> -> I want to get access to the individual items in each line. In my
> bad old days I'd have used an array and grabbed "mylist
> [row,item]" ...job done.
You are not too far:
If you try that and still get an error (unlikely), be sure to post the
exact code you tried and any error messages.
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