sometype.__new__ and C subclasses

James Porter porterj at
Sun May 2 02:03:19 EDT 2010

I've been trying to write a Python C extension module that uses NumPy 
and has a subtype of numpy.ndarray written in C. However, I've run into 
a snag: calling numpy.ndarray.__new__(mysubtype, ...) triggers an 
exception in the bowels of Python (this is necessary for a handful of 
NumPy features). I'm posting to this list to try to figure out why this 
exception exists in the first place, and what (if anything) I can do to 
work around it.

The exception in question happens in Objects/typeobject.c in 
tp_new_wrapper. Here's the comment for the block:

	/* Check that the use doesn't do something silly and unsafe like
	   object.__new__(dict).  To do this, we check that the
	   most derived base that's not a heap type is this type. */

The code has the end effect that basetype.__new__(subtype, ...) fails 
whenever subtype is a statically-defined type (i.e. a normal C extension 
type object). Why is this necessary in general? I can see why it might 
be bad for a limited number of core Python types, but it seems 
unnecessarily limiting for Python C extensions.

On a more practical note, is there a way (short of rewriting the subtype 
in Python) to work around this? It seems that I could call the type 
metaclass to create a heap type in C, but I'm not sure of all the 
implications of that.

Thanks in advance,

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