pyjamas 0.7 released
Wolfgang Strobl
news3 at
Sun May 2 03:16:10 EDT 2010
lkcl <luke.leighton at>:
> at least _some_ input would be good! the knowledge doesn't have to
>be there: just the bugreports saying "there's a problem and here's
>exactly how you reproduce it" would be a start!
>> So please make it simpler for more people to help.
> ... how?? there's a bugtracker, wiki, svn repository, over 30
>examples and a developer list. the code really _is_ very very small
>(the UI widget set, with around 75 widgets, minus the license header
>text is only around 4,000 lines _total_, making it very very simple
>and very very easy for people to get used to). suggestions welcome!
Well, the bunch of programming languages and APIs I collected over the
years is large enough already. These days I prefer to stay with python
and c, spiced with an occasional domain specific language. That's why I
was attracted by pyjamas, to begin with!. If I'd like to program using
Eclipse and Java or fool around with JavaScript, I'd do just that. But I
don't. IMHO, that ist a general problem of translation tools - they
attract the wrong people, from the point of view a developer who looks
for people sharing some of the workload. :-)
So, Luke, I can only answer your question from the point of view of
somebody who is mostly a potentional consumer of your work, and most
problably not another developer. If you want to delegate some work you'd
like not to do yourself (for example because you prefer designing and
coding to testing and reorganizing and polishing the docs), than you
have at least to _define_ those pieces and to monitor progress.
>> Other people have
>> other projects, where they invest some of their own time and money in.
> yes. been there. didn't receive any return on investment. did some
>projects. received about 25% of required money to pay bills. need
>£15k pa; receiving approximately £7-8k.
>> >> I didn't look at
>> >> every example again, but AFAIK, this didn't change with 0.7. (Tried with
>> >> Python 2.6.4/5 on WinXP/7 with Firefox and Chrome, if that matters).
>> > then please issue bugreports for as many as you feel comfortable
>> >with / have time for.
Well, ok. I put my notes in a Google chart, see
I had to write a short patch against (see issue 397) in order
to make it compile the showcase examples on Windows.
In addition, I've tried to create Selenium tests for automating the time
consuming job of checking all those examples, using Selenium IDE in
Firefox. I was my first experience using this against Ajax apps. The
results are somewhat mixed. Playing a round of "lightout" was a breeze,
but so far I hadn't much luck in driving the showcase example(s). I
didn't try very hard, though, because I ran out of time, as I do now.
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