client to upload big files via https and get progress info

News123 news1234 at
Wed May 12 04:48:16 EDT 2010


I'd like to perform huge file uploads via https.
I'd like to make sure,
- that I can obtain upload progress info (sometimes the nw is very slow)
- that (if the file exceeds a certain size) I don't have to
  read the entire file into RAM.

I found Active states recipe 146306, which constructs the whole
multipart message first in RAM and sends it then in one chunk.

I found a server side solutions, that will write out the data file chunk
wise (

If I just wanted to have progress info, then I could probably
just split line 16 of Active State's recipe ( h.send(body) )
into multiple send, right?

chunksize = 1024
for i in range(0,len(body),chunksize):

But how could I create body step by step?
I wouldn't know the content-length up front?

thanks in advance


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