cmd with three arguments

Tim Chase python.list at
Mon May 17 09:12:39 EDT 2010

On 05/17/2010 07:11 AM, kaklis at wrote:
> While playing with the Python Standard Library, i came across "cmd".
> So I'm trying to make a console application. Everything works fine, i
> created many function with do_....(self, line) prefix, but when i
> tried to create a function with more arguments
>   i can't make it work.  e.g
> def do_connect(self, ip, command):
>>>> connect delete
>   Are there any work arounds

You simply receive all the text after the command:

   class C(Cmd):
     def do_thing(self, arguments):
       print repr(arguments)

If you want to split it, you can do it boringly:

     def do_thing(self, arguments):
       args = arguments.split()

or you can let Python's standard library do some heavy-lifting 
for you:

   import shlex
     def do_thing(self, arguments):
       args = shlex.split(arguments)


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