Help with PyQt4 tabwidget setup

dpalmboom dpalmboom at
Fri May 21 02:03:43 EDT 2010

I am creating an application and I'm busy designing the main layout on the
main window. What I would like to do is the following:

Create a QTabWidget with a QVBoxLayout already inside it and also a
scrollbar inside it. When a user triggers a menu item,
a QDockWidget must be created and inserted into the QVBoxLayout, but it must
not stretch to the bottom of the QTabWidget.
The QDockWidget must keep a set size in the QVBoxLayout. When the user
triggers another menu item, the next QDockWidget must go
above or below the existing QDockWidgets in the QVBoxLayout.

I currently have the following code for the QTabWidget:

class PaneTabWidget(PyQt4.QtGui.QTabWidget):

def __init__(self, tabs, parent=None):

    A tabwidget to go inside a Pane.

    super(PaneTabWidget, self).__init__(parent)

    for tab in tabs:

    if tab == "Properties":
    elif tab == "Schedule":
    elif tab == "Pricelist":

    def setLayoutAndScrollBar(self, page):

    def addPanel(self, panel, type):
        self.addTab(panel, type)

    def propertiesBin(self): = PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget()
        self.addTab(, "Properties")

Right now, the dockwidget gets put into a new tab in the tab widget, but I
would like to put it into an existing 
QVBoxLayout. I currently have a blank QWidget as a "placeholder" page of the

If anyone can help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.


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