First Tkinter script: requesting comments
Bart Kastermans
bkasterm at
Fri May 21 17:51:52 EDT 2010
I wrote a first script using Tkinter. As I am new to its
use, I am only just feeling my way around. I would very
much like comments on the design of the script (and in fact
any other comments on my code would also be very welcome).
I have it posted (with syntax coloring) at:
But will also include it here for convenience.
Thanks for any help,
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Getting a list of students and grades displayed so that grades can
# be updated, and we poll these changes (so that in the future we can
# act on it).
# Bart Kastermans,
Design of the window
| root |
| +------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | title_frame | |
| | +------------------------------+ | |
| | | Label(title) | | |
| | | | | |
| | +------------------------------+ | |
| +------------------------------------------------------+ |
| +------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | exam_grades_frames | |
| | +-------------------------------------------------+ | |
| | | Frame(ex) | | |
| | | +--------------------+ +---------------------+ | | |
| | | | Entry(name) | | Entry(grade) | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | +--------------------+ +---------------------+ | | |
| | +-------------------------------------------------+ | |
| | | |
| +------------------------------------------------------+ |
| |
| +---------------------+ |
| | quit_button | |
| | | |
| +---------------------+ |
from Tkinter import *
# global info for this specific example
# four students
no_stud = 4
exam_grades = [1,2,3,4]
names = ["Ben", "Jim", "James", "Mel"]
# upper bound for name length
max_name_len = max (map (len, names))
# set up root window
root = Tk()
root.geometry ("400x400")
exam_grades_string = map (lambda x: StringVar (root,str (x)), exam_grades)
names_string = map (lambda x: StringVar (root, x), names)
def setup ():
""" setup the window with the list of students.
This is test-code to figure out what the app finally should look
# title frame, with title Grade Correction in it
title_frame = Frame(root)
title_frame.pack (fill=X)
w = Label (title_frame, text = "Grade Correction", font = ("Helvetica", 25))
w.pack (side=LEFT)
# from to hold the list of grades
exam_grades_frame = Frame (root)
exam_grades_frame.pack (fill=BOTH)
exam_label = Label (exam_grades_frame, text="EXAMS")
exam_label.pack ()
# set up the list of grades
for i in range (0,no_stud):
# a frame per student
ex = Frame (exam_grades_frame)
ex.pack ()
# name on the left
name = Entry (ex, textvariable=names_string[i], width=max_name_len+2)
name.config (state=DISABLED)
name.pack (side=LEFT)
# grade next to it
grade = Entry (ex, textvariable=exam_grades_string [i], width=4)
grade.pack (side=LEFT)
# button to quit the application
qb = Button (root)
qb ['text'] = "quit"
qb ['command'] = root.quit
qb.pack ()
def to_int (st):
""" helper function to convert strings to integers.
Empty string represents 0.
if len (st) == 0:
return 0
return int (st)
def get_curr_grades ():
""" extract the grades from exam_grades_string.
exam_grades_string consists of StringVar that get updated when the
fields are updated in the GUI.
grades = []
for i in range (0, no_stud):
grades.append (exam_grades_string [i].get())
return grades
# get the current grades
curr_grades = map (to_int, get_curr_grades ())
def poll_exams ():
""" function that keeps polling the current grades, looking for changes"""
global curr_grades
new_grades = map (to_int, get_curr_grades ())
if new_grades != curr_grades:
print new_grades
curr_grades = new_grades
root.after( 250, poll_exams)
# window setup
setup ()
# start the polling
poll_exams ()
# start the eventloop
root.mainloop ()
# do cleanup
root.destroy ()
sys.exit ()
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