
Tim Chase python.list at
Wed May 26 16:54:25 EDT 2010

On 05/26/2010 03:13 PM, William Miner wrote:
> I have a script which I would now put inside a loop. Is there
> any way to ³automatically² indent the old script so it can be
> put inside the new loop. Doing it by hand seems so inelegant
> and time consuming.

It's usually a function of your editor -- most good editors allow 
you to indent/exdent a block of code.  In vim (my editor of 
choice), you can use the ">" and "<" operators with a motion or 
visual block to indent one 'shiftwidth' (which uses spaces or 
tabs based on your 'expandtab' setting, and can mix-and-match if 
your 'tabstop' isn't the same as your 'shiftwidth').

Adam already demonstrated how to do it in MonoDevelop, and I 
think in Visual Studio (a long time since I've had to touch that 
beast) you can just highlight a block and press <tab> or 
<shift+tab> to indent/exdent.  Likely an emacs user will chime in 
on this thread with how to do it there too.

If you're stuck with a bogus editor but are on a *nix platform, 
you can indent with sed:

   sed 's/^/    /' >

(that's 4 spaces after the 2nd slash; adjust accordingly to your 
tastes) and then just copy the contents of into your script.

If you're on Win32 without a good editor, go get a good editor ;-)


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