Yet Another MySQL Problem

Victor Subervi victorsubervi at
Thu May 27 09:34:04 EDT 2010

On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Victor Subervi <victorsubervi at>wrote:

> Hi;
> I have this code:
>     sql = "insert into %s (%s) values ('%%s');" % (personalDataTable,
> string.join(cols[1:], ', '))
> #    cursor.execute(sql, string.join(vals[1:], "', '"))
>     cursor.execute('insert into %s (%s) values ("%s");' %
> (personalDataTable, string.join(cols[1:], ', '), string.join(vals[1:], '",
> "')))
> Now, if I uncomment the 2nd line and comment the third, the command fails
> because, apparently, that "');" at the tail end of sql (1st line) gets
> chopped off. Why??
> (Note to self:

...and here's another one:

        print 'insert into categories (Store, Category, Parent) values("%s",
"%s", Null)'% (store, cat)
#        cursor.execute('insert into categories (Store, Category, Parent)
values("%s", "%s", Null)', (store, cat))

If I print out and manually insert, all goes well. If I uncomment the 2nd
line, it inserts store and cat with single quote marks and screws everything

mysql> select * from categories;
| ID | Store      | Category   | Parent |
|  1 | 'products' | 'prodCat1' | NULL   |
|  2 | 'products' | 'prodCat2' | NULL   |

as opposed to

mysql> select * from categories;
| ID | Store      | Category   | Parent |
|  1 | products | prodCat1 | NULL   |
|  2 | products | prodCat2 | NULL   |

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