GUI programs
jyoung79 at
jyoung79 at
Sat May 29 21:13:22 EDT 2010
Just curious if anyone would be willing to share their thoughts
about different Python GUI programming modules. I've been
doing a bit of research and am trying to find something that:
1. Is portable. Would like to be able to send the module along
with the main python file that would be able to run a GUI
window. Would be sending this to multiple machines.
Currently I'd like it to work on OS X machines, but it'd be nice
if it worked on Windows machines, etc. Probably be using
Python 2.5 or 2.6.
2. Can show an image (that is zoomable) as well as add GUI
controls like text fields, popup menues, etc. as well as send
information back to the program from the text fields, etc.
For now, I'm really looking for something that can display
EPS (postscript) and PDF images.
In my research, here's some GUI modules/programs I've been
looking at. I haven't gone real in-depth with these, but did
just a little testing:
1. wxPython - This looks very good, although I'm not sure
how to set up portability with this. Other machines that would
run the Python code probably wouldn't have the Developer
Tools or wxPython installed. I think I could use Py2App for
OS X to create a Package App but I'm not real familiar with
how that would all work.
2. Pyglet - This is a pretty cool program. I was able to display
a window with an imageā¦ but I don't think it has GUI controls
like text fields, drop down menues, etc.
3. ImageMagick - This one looks cool but I can't figure out how
to install it correctly on OS X (Snow Leopard). Not sure if it would
give me the GUI tools either.
4. PyGui - This one looks very interesting. Just found it last night
so haven't looked at it too closely. Looks like it needs PyObjC on
the machine for OS X. I'm assuming that comes pre-installed on
Snow Leopard machines, but not sure about Leopard or Tiger
machines. Anyone have more info about this?
5. NodeBox - This is an incredible application! Don't think I can
use it's libraries for what I'm wanting to do, but what a cool
program! I will definitely spend some time working with this!
6. TkInter - Does this module come standard on all machines
that have Python? Haven't worked with this one much, but if I
send Python code to other machines would TkInter work?
Would love to hear anyones thoughts about GUI programming
and what they use. Would also like to hear pros/cons with the
different modules/apps.
Thanks for looking at my questions.
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