Help needed in downloading Brown corpus
Adil Kaleem
kaleem.adil at
Sun May 2 02:03:22 EDT 2010
On May 1, 10:54 pm, Peter Pearson <ppear... at nowhere.invalid> wrote:
> As I understand it (from Wikipedia), the Brown Corpus is a
> collection of samples of modern American English text, and
> provides a Python toolkit for exploring said Corpus.
> I'm trying to figure out whether you're trying to get the
> Corpus or the toolkit. Neither interpretation looks
> plausible: if you're after the Corpus itself and you don't
> know a bit of Python, why are you struggling with Python?
> On the other hand, if you're after the toolkit, what's the
> problem? People download Python modules all the time. And
> besides, why would you be after the toolkit if you don't
> know a bit of Python?
> If your goal is to learn enough Python to use the toolkit,
> you'll find this newsgroup full of smart and helpful people.
> But you'll have to be a little more explicit about what
> you're trying to do and more specific about what obstacles
> you encounter. As you might see by looking at other threads
> on this newsgroup, the queries that get the most prompt and
> useful responses usually include blocks of quoted text of
> the form "I type this [cut-and-pasted block] and get
> this response [another cut-and-pasted block]."
> --
> To email me, substitute nowhere->spamcop, invalid->net.
Hi Peter,
Thanks for replying. Appreciate your pain in writing. I'm sorry I
wasn't proper in my question. I downloaded the toolkit and from it I
wanted to download the corpora. But since my system is behind the
proxy (no direct connection), I couldn't download the corpora as was
the process told for downloading using Python IDLE. The exact steps/
codes to write were given on the website for downloading but was only
for a direct connection. I didn't knew the process of configuring IDLE
for a proxy network for the download. And lastly since I'm unaware of
Python programming, I faced the problem. This was my total essence of
the problem and in this regard, I sought to take help from the very
best of this language knowers i.e, you all.
But nonetheless, I got my problem solved. One amongst you, Shashank
Singh, in this group helped me in solving the problem. I thank him
again for taking all the pain in making the system work for me. Thanks
Shashank, I owe you man.
Thank you Peter for giving your precious time in reading and replying
to my problem.
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