Encrypt password within source code.
Vincent Davis
vincent at vincentdavis.net
Wed May 5 23:10:56 EDT 2010
Thanks for the replies I though the answer was no.
On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 7:48 PM, Tim Chase <python.list at tim.thechases.com>wrote:
> On 05/05/2010 08:12 PM, Vincent Davis wrote:
>> I can't think of a way to do this, not sure it is possible but I feel as
>> though I might not know what I don't know.
>> I want to share and example of a python script, to run it needs a google
>> username and password. Is there a way for me to encrypt my username and
>> password in the source code?
> No-ish. You can encrypt it, but if you encrypt it, you need to include the
> keys or algorithm for decrypting it, and all it takes is a pdb.set_trace()
> before the decrypted uname/pwd get sent to Google to get it, and poof all
> your encryption/decryption has been in vain:
> u = secret_decrypt(uname)
> p = secret_decrypt(pwd)
> # regardless of how good the stuff above is
> # you're vulnerable right here:
> # print "%r %r" % (u, p)
> do_google_stuff(u, p)
> Unless the Google API you're using allows for chain-of-authority creation
> of sub-credentials (so your account creates secondary accounts that are then
> distributed in your code/config files and managed via your dev login), two
> possibilities that come to mind:
> 1) put in a bogus uname/password and make them get their own Google login
> to put in (which can be done in a config file if they're squeamish about
> editing source code) This assumes that any arbitrary Google login can grant
> access to what you want (sometimes this is a developer key, in which case
> the user would need to get their own dev key).
> 2) create a web-service on a server somewhere that has your credentials,
> but your distributed code merely hits this web service instead of having
> your actual credentials in the source (plain-text or encrypted). The server
> would have them (I'd just put them in plain-text -- no need to be fancy. If
> you can't trust your hosting service, don't use them) but you wouldn't
> expose the credentials outside the application.
> -tkc
*Vincent Davis
720-301-3003 *
vincent at vincentdavis.net
my blog <http://vincentdavis.net> |
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