Do any debuggers support "edit and continue?"
Sandy Sandy
cde3 at
Wed May 12 13:56:38 EDT 2010
good question
I also looking for debugging tools like Matlab in Python
do you know how to stop in breakpoint investigate the variables by using graphics in figures and continue
mutter is:
during debugging the debug processes stacks when fig is created
for example, in code
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pylab import *
x= 23;
y = 111111;
it is impossible after show() to continue debug
as stated in
Beginning Python Visualization - Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts (2009)
page 187
Note If you’re not using matplotlib interactively in Python, be sure
to call the function show() after all
graphs have been generated, as it enters a user interface main loop
that will stop execution of the rest of
your code. The reason behind this behavior is that matplotlib is
designed to be embedded in a GUI as well.
In Windows, if you’re working from interactive Python, you need only
issue show() once; close the figures
(or figures) to return to the shell. Subsequent plots will be drawn
automatically without issuing show(), and
you’ll be able to plot graphs interactively.
the problem is that after show() the debugger stacks
the decision can be to use threads like this
from pylab import plot,show,ion
x = range(10)
from threading import Timer
t = Timer(0, show)
a = 1222233
y = [2, 8, 3, 9, 4]
zz= 12346
but it is not working, bug??
> From: zapwireDASHgroups at
> Subject: Do any debuggers support "edit and continue?"
> Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 10:42:31 -0700
> To: python-list at
> Just curious... in Microsoft's Visual Studio (and I would presume some other
> tools), for many languages (both interpreted and compiled!) there's an "edit
> and conitnue" option that, when you hit a breakpoint, allows you to modify a
> line of code before it's actually executed.
> Does any Python debugger support this feature? Being an interpreted language
> it doesn't seem like it would necessarily be too onerous to support? It'd be
> quite handy in that, especially if you hit a breakpoint due to the interpreter
> throwing an error, you could fix just the line in question and keep going,
> rather than having to stop the entire program, fix the line, and then run
> again and potentially kill a bunch of time getting the program back into the
> same "state."
> Thanks,
> ---Joel Koltner
> --
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