Picking a license
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Thu May 13 23:06:08 EDT 2010
In message <mailman.141.1273767256.32709.python-list at python.org>, Ed Keith
> Assertion I:
> If person A is free to do more than person B, then person A has
> more freedom then person B.
> Assertion II:
> If person A is free do perform an action person B is not free to
> perform then person A is free to do more than person B.
> Assertion III:
> If person B is restricted in some way that person A is not them Person A
> is free to do something Person B is not free to do.
> Conclusion:
> If person B is more resticted than Peston A, Person A has mor freedom
> than person B.
> Which step in this reasoning do you disagree with?
Under the GPL, everybody has exactly the same freedoms. So which of your
assertions is supposedly a criticism of the GPL?
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