parsing XML
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Fri May 14 21:55:08 EDT 2010
In message <mailman.170.1273850586.32709.python-list at>, Stefan
Behnel wrote:
> Here's an overly complicated solution, but I thought that an object
> oriented design would help here.
How many times are you going to write the “"name", "age", "height"”
sequence? The next assignment question I would ask is: how easy would it be
to add a fourth attribute?
> attributes = ['name', 'age', 'height']
I would put this at the top.
Then this
> class Player(object):
> def __init__(self, name, age, height):
>, self.age, self.height = name, age, height
can become
class Player(object):
def __init__(self, **rest):
for attr in attributes :
setattr(self, attr, rest[attr])
#end for
#end __init__
#end Player
> for player in players:
> print, player.age, player.height
can become
for player in players:
print " ".join(getattr(player, attr) for attr in attributes)
#end for
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