cmd with three arguments
kaklis at
kaklis at
Mon May 17 09:36:44 EDT 2010
On May 17, 4:34 pm, Peter Otten <__pete... at> wrote:
> kak... at wrote:
> > Hi pythonistas,
> > While playing with the Python Standard Library, i came across "cmd".
> > So I'm trying to make a console application. Everything works fine, i
> > created many function with do_....(self, line) prefix, but when i
> > tried to create a function with more arguments
> > i can't make it work. e.g
> > def do_connect(self, ip, command):
> >>>> connect delete
> > Are there any work arounds
> > Thanks in advance
> > Antonis
> You have to split the user input into arguments yourself. You can do this in
> the body of the do_xxx() methods, use a decorator, or subclass cmd.Cmd.
> Here's a solution using a decorator:
> import cmd
> import inspect
> import shlex
> def split(f):
> def g(self, line):
> argvalues = shlex.split(line)
> argnames = inspect.getargspec(f).args
> argcount = len(argnames) - 1
> if len(argvalues) != argcount:
> print "Need exactly %d args" % argcount
> return
> return f(self, *argvalues)
> return g
> class Cmd(cmd.Cmd):
> @split
> def do_connect(self, ip, command):
> print "ip=%r, command=%r" % (ip, command)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> c = Cmd()
> c.cmdloop()
> And here's a subclass that avoids the need for explicit @split decorations:
> import cmd
> import inspect
> import shlex
> def split(f):
> def g(line):
> argvalues = shlex.split(line)
> argnames = inspect.getargspec(f).args
> argcount = len(argnames) -1
> if len(argvalues) != argcount:
> print "Need exactly %d args" % argcount
> return
> return f(*argvalues)
> return g
> class CmdBase(cmd.Cmd, object):
> def __getattribute__(self, name):
> attr = object.__getattribute__(self, name)
> if name.startswith("do_"):
> attr = split(attr)
> return attr
> class Cmd(CmdBase):
> def do_connect(self, ip, command):
> print "ip=%r, command=%r" % (ip, command)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
> c = Cmd()
> c.cmdloop()
> Now you've got an idea of the general direction you can certainly come up
> with something less hackish ;)
> Peter
Thanks great advice!
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