asyncore loop and cmdloop problem

Giampaolo RodolĂ  g.rodola at
Tue May 25 06:48:40 EDT 2010

2010/5/25 Michele Simionato <michele.simionato at>:
> On May 25, 12:03 pm, Giampaolo RodolĂ  <g.rod... at> wrote:
>> Too bad cmdloop() doesn't provide an argument to return immediately.
>> Why don't you submit this patch on the bug tracker?
>> --- Giampaolo
> Because it is not a bug, cmd was designed to be blocking. It would be
> a feature request.

Sure, a feature request, but it would be nice to have anyway. =)
The OP question shown how this can be desirable in certain circumstances..

--- Giampaolo

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