Inheritable Slots Metaclass
Carl Banks
pavlovevidence at
Thu May 27 00:55:54 EDT 2010
On May 26, 8:33 pm, Rebel Lion <r38311... at> wrote:
> > I'd be ok with a metatype in the standard library that makes slots
> > more transparent, but since slots are intended as an optimization, it
> > doesn't really need (and might be detrimental to have) transparency
> > for ordinary objects.
> But why there is __slots__ if it's not indeed needed. we should make
> it more usable instead of a hack, which it now looks like.
It is needed--for optimization. The thinking is that for most uses it
is not a good idea to defeat Python's dynamicsm, therefore making it
too easy to add slots would be detrimental to the community because it
would encourage people to use slots even when not needed.
I more or less agree with this, and would be very -1 on any attempt to
mske slots the "default", so to speak; however I don't think it would
make slots dangerously accessible to have a user import a module and
explicitly set the metaclass, for the benefit of getting rid of their
> > However, Aahz will be by shortly to tell you never to use slots.
> Obviously he didn't work on graphs, at least huge graphs.
There's no need to be presumptuous. You can state your use case with
accusing him of anything.
> > It seems like a good approach, but the use of decorators to define
> > slots is hideous. I'd recommend creating slots with simple assignment
> > instead:
> > slot = object()
> > class Foo():
> > __metaclass__ = SlotsMetaclass
> > foo = slot
> > class Bar():
> > bar = slot
> > Then replace
> > "isinstance(v,slot)" with "v is slot"
> > in the metaclass.
> This is a style not a problem. My way intents to keep the consistency
> with @property
It's a problem if you think this metaclass ought to be in the standard
library. This "style" will never, ever make it to the standard
library, ever. I guarantee you.
Frankly, you're observing a pattern where there is none. You see
decorator syntax and you think "Ah, that's the standard way to define
attributes that affect the behavior of a class". It's not.
Descriptor syntax is syntax sugar to make it less unwieldy to apply a
function to a function or class. That's it, that's all it is. If you
don't have a function, there is no reason for a decorator.
You're entitled to your own preferred style, of course, but I'm just
telling you it'll never fly with most people.
> > You don't need to create a temporary class here; you should loop
> > through the base classes and inspect their slots.
> As you can see, I'm very lazy. If we got some decision here, we can
> surely make a better implementation that this hack.
No, sorry, it doesn't work that way. Unless you're a known genius and/
or a long time contributor, you better have some pretty worked out
code and some persuasive use cases if you want any consideration.
Ideas are cheap.
(If you want some inspiration, go read PEP 389.)
> > Also, you don't
> > need to recreate slots that exist in base classes, so you could just
> > get all the new slots from the class dict.
> > You should consider corner cases if you think it should be standard.
> > For instance, what if a derived class defined the same slot as a a
> > base class--it'll create a new slot in yours but it shouldn't. What
> > if you want to create a subclass that does have a dict? Can't do it
> > in your version. You need to consider stuff like that.
> The most arguable point here. I raise this post inorder to make slot
> inheritable.
Slots already are inheritable, as I pointed out. It's just weird and
complicated how they affect things.
class A(object): __slots__ = ['a']
class B(A): __slots__ = ['b']
B().a = 1 # this will work
> In most cases, if a class uses slots, it is designed to be heavily
> used.
> Ans subclass of it should be heavily used too, but in this case you
> want to create __slots__,
> you have to manually lookup __slots__ of bases.
You don't have to, unless you want to work around some of those other
corner cases I spoke of.
> But your corner is considerable. We can offer a __no_slots__ to
> disable slots.
> In conclusion, my point is:
> If you don't want to use slots in common days, you can subclass a
> class which doesn't use slots(in most cases)
> If you want to use slots, you need inherit parent classes' slots(in a
> few cases)
> If you don't want to use slots when you are subclassing a class which
> uses slots(in few cases):
> use a __noslots__ magic
That seems like a reasonable way to handle it.
I don't want to sound to pessimistic about it, I really wouldn't mind
a metaclass that makes slots more normal; but you have work to do.
Carl Banks
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