Yet Another MySQL Problem
Victor Subervi
victorsubervi at
Thu May 27 12:32:54 EDT 2010
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:11 PM, Kushal Kumaran
<kushal.kumaran at>wrote:
> Since I'm in a good mood today, here's a little present:
> def insert(cursor, table, columns, values):
> """Insert a row into a table. columns must be a list of column
> names. values must be a list of values for the new row. The
> columns and values must correspond."""
> assert len(columns) == len(values)
> stmt = """
> insert into %s (%s) values (%s)
> """ % (table,
> ', '.join(columns),
> ', '.join('%s' * len(values)))
> logging.debug('stmt: %s, values: %s' % (stmt, values))
> cursor.execute(stmt, values)
> Glad you're in a good mood :)
First, I got an error because logging isn't defined. What should I import?
I commented out that line. Here's my original code, which is now commented
## cursor.execute('insert into %s (%s) values ("%s");' %
(personalDataTable, string.join(cols[1:], ', '), string.join(vals[1:], '",
I ran this with your code:
insert(cursor, personalDataTable, cols[1:], vals[1:])
and got this error:
97 print "<a href=''>Enter more
personal data?</a><br />" % personalDataTable
98 print "<a href=''>Enter products?</a>"
99 print '</body>\n</html>'
101 enterPeople3()
enterPeople3 = <function enterPeople3>
/var/www/html/ in enterPeople3()
51 if whatDo == 'insert':
52 # We will not include the ID column
53 insert(cursor, personalDataTable, cols[1:], vals[1:])
54 # sql = "insert into %s (%s) values (%%s);" % (personalDataTable,
string.join(cols[1:], ', '))
55 # cursor.execute(sql, vals[1:])
global insert = <function insert>, cursor = <MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object>,
personalDataTable = 'doctorsPersonalData', cols = ['ID', 'Store',
'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Phone', 'Cell', 'Fax', 'Address1', 'Address2',
'City', 'Zip', 'ShippingAddress1', 'ShippingAddress2', 'ShippingCity',
'ShippingZip', 'DOB', 'Email', 'PW', 'State', 'ShippingState'], vals =
['Null', 'prescriptions', 'jane', 'shmo', '321-654-9870', '456', '789', '11
here', '', 'csted', '00820', '22 there', '', 'csted', '00820', '2000-01-01',
'victorsubervi', '12345', 'DC', 'AK']
/var/www/html/ in
insert(cursor=<MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object>, table='doctorsPersonalData',
columns=['Store', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'Phone', 'Cell', 'Fax',
'Address1', 'Address2', 'City', 'Zip', 'ShippingAddress1',
'ShippingAddress2', 'ShippingCity', 'ShippingZip', 'DOB', 'Email', 'PW',
'State', 'ShippingState'], values=['prescriptions', 'jane', 'shmo',
'321-654-9870', '456', '789', '11 here', '', 'csted', '00820', '22 there',
'', 'csted', '00820', '2000-01-01', 'victorsubervi', '12345', 'DC', 'AK'])
19 ', '.join('%s' * len(values)))
20 # logging.debug('stmt: %s, values: %s' % (stmt, values))
21 cursor.execute(stmt, values)
23 def enterPeople3():
cursor = <MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object>, cursor.execute = <bound method
Cursor.execute of <MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object>>, stmt = '\ninsert into
doctorsPersonalData (Store, FirstNa... %, s, %, s, %, s, %, s, %, s, %, s,
%, s, %, s)\n', values = ['prescriptions', 'jane', 'shmo', '321-654-9870',
'456', '789', '11 here', '', 'csted', '00820', '22 there', '', 'csted',
'00820', '2000-01-01', 'victorsubervi', '12345', 'DC', 'AK']
/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/MySQLdb/ in
execute(self=<MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor object>, query='\ninsert into
doctorsPersonalData (Store, FirstNa... %, s, %, s, %, s, %, s, %, s, %, s,
%, s, %, s)\n', args=['prescriptions', 'jane', 'shmo', '321-654-9870',
'456', '789', '11 here', '', 'csted', '00820', '22 there', '', 'csted',
'00820', '2000-01-01', 'victorsubervi', '12345', 'DC', 'AK'])
146 query = query.encode(charset)
147 if args is not None:
148 query = query % db.literal(args)
149 try:
150 r = self._query(query)
query = '\ninsert into doctorsPersonalData (Store, FirstNa... %, s, %, s, %,
s, %, s, %, s, %, s, %, s, %, s)\n', db = <weakproxy at 0x2b13d59857e0 to
Connection>, db.literal = <bound method Connection.literal of
<_mysql.connection open to 'localhost' at 132de990>>, args =
['prescriptions', 'jane', 'shmo', '321-654-9870', '456', '789', '11 here',
'', 'csted', '00820', '22 there', '', 'csted', '00820', '2000-01-01',
'victorsubervi', '12345', 'DC', 'AK']
ValueError: unsupported format character ',' (0x2c) at index 221
args = ("unsupported format character ',' (0x2c) at index 221",)
It appears to be separating the '%' from the 's' in your assert of '%s', but
since I don't know anything about asserts, I'm hoping you can help me here.
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