Compare source code

Lawrence D'Oliveiro ldo at geek-central.gen.new_zealand
Tue Nov 9 04:26:52 EST 2010

In message <mailman.718.1289147839.2218.python-list at>, Ethan 
Furman wrote:

> Lawrence D'Oliveiro wrote:
>> In message <iapom0$k4d$1 at>, Tim Harig wrote:
>>> I personally prefer tabs as it lets *me* decide how far the apparent
>>> indentations are in the code.
>> But they don’t. Other people can have different settings, and they will
>> see different indentations for your code
> That's exactly the point -- each person can decide what level of
> indentation they prefer to look at.

But I thought Mr Harig was referring to “*me*” as in the author of the code, 
not the reader.

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