returning results from function

Stefan Sonnenberg-Carstens stefan.sonnenberg at
Thu Nov 11 17:10:28 EST 2010

Am 11.11.2010 22:16, schrieb Neil Berg:
> Hi Python community,
> In a main script, I pass the year (yr), month (mo), day (dy) and hour(hr) into the utc_to_local function (pasted below) which converts that date and time into local standard time.  I am passing several dates and times into this function and would like to work with the "returned" loc_y/m/d/h values, but no output is visibly seen when I run the main script.  I want the "return" command to just return the values to me in the main script so I can work with them!  Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> Neil
> _________
> Mac OS X 10.6.4
> Python 2.6
> _________
> from datetime import datetime
> from pytz import timezone
> import pytz
> def utc_to_local(yr,mo,dy,hr):
>      fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H %Z'
>      utc = pytz.utc
>      local = pytz.timezone("US/Pacific")
>      utc_dt = datetime(yr,mo,dy,hr, tzinfo=utc)
>      loc_dt = utc_dt.astimezone(local) # local date YY-MM-DD HR TZ
>      #print utc_dt.strftime(fmt), " = ", loc_dt.strftime(fmt)
>      loc_y = loc_dt.year # local year
>      loc_m = loc_dt.month # local month
>      loc_d = # local day
>      loc_h = loc_dt.hour # local hour
>      return loc_y, loc_m, loc_d, loc_h
Could you please be so nice and share the relevant parts of your main 
script with us ?
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