what's the precision of fractions.Fraction?

Daniel Fetchinson fetchinson at googlemail.com
Thu Nov 18 11:27:43 EST 2010

I do a recursive evaluation of an expression involving fractions and
unsurprisingly the numerator and denominator grows pretty quickly.
After 10-20 iterations the number of digits in the numerator and
denominator (as integers) reaches 80-100. And I'm wondering until what
point I can trust the result since I'm using fractions.Fraction for
the whole procedure. Are Fraction's infinite precision? Or will I get
some sort of an exception if python is not able to represent the
numerator and/or denominator as integers?

http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3141/ was not very helpful in this
regard nor was http://docs.python.org/library/fractions.html

Any ideas?


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