CGI FieldStorage instances?

Gnarlodious gnarlodious at
Sat Nov 20 20:19:06 EST 2010

I'm having a hard time understanding this, can someone explain?

Running a CGI with query string:


Script includes these lines:



Form Contents:

action: <class 'cgi.MiniFieldStorage'>
MiniFieldStorage('action', 'Find')
page: <class 'cgi.MiniFieldStorage'>
MiniFieldStorage('page', 'Data')

It looks like every variable in the query string instantiates a
MiniFieldStorage with that value, is that the case? And if so, what
sort of cool tricks could I do with that feature? Because so far I am
doing CGI and it is a big old mess. Intercepting every variable is
complicated and confusing. Is there an easier way?

-- Gnarlie

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